Dear Math Challenge parents,
We are looking forward to a great "math challenging" year! The Math challenge instructors this year are Mikaela Hertel and Alexa Rust. You can find out a bit more about them on the Math Challenge website:
Please make a note of the site since Alexa will post updates, announcements, and homework there. You'll also be getting weekly updates by e-mail with a short summary of what happened in class and other info. It would be great if you discuss the problems they've been working on with your children and encourage them to think about the problems between classes!
We'll take the Montlake team to the "Math Is Cool" competition this year, more information and a sign up form will be coming in the Winter.
Thank you for signing up your children for Math challenge,
Julia Pevtsova.
Dear MMC parents,
We have now had two meetings of MMC! This past Tuesday we looked at some logic problems involving Knights and Knaves. You kind find the worksheets on the website. We sent home problems 4 and 5 of Problem Set II and problem 1 of Extra Problems II as home work. We will discuss these problems at the beginning of class next time. We encourage you to talk to your students about the problems at home.
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents,
Yesterday we went over the "Knights and Knaves" homework problems at the beginning of class. We were very happy with effort your students put into the problems. For the second part of the class we played a version of Bingo that emphasized the understanding of statements such as "at most" and "more than." At the end of class we assigned homework for next week which can be found here. As a reminder we are happy to receive any feedback that you or your student(s) may have. Also, email updates are being archived on the MMC website for your future reference.
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents,
Last week in class (11/5) we worked on a problem sheet exploring using bar diagrams to solve word problems. We sent home Problem 4 from Problem Set V and the problems on Home Work Problem Set V as homework for tomorrow (11/12).
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents,
We hope you had a good Thanksgiving break. Homework Problem Set VII was assigned at our last meeting for tomorrow (12/3).
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents,
Yesterday in we learned about 'parity'. Parity in mathematics is a term that describes the property of an integer's inclusion in either the set of even numbers or odd numbers. So, 2 has even parity and 3 has odd parity. We played a card game and talked about winning strategies for it. Your students used the concept of parity to solve word problems in a problem set. Since everyone finished the problem set by the end of class, there is no homework for next week.
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents,
This week in class we practiced for the "Math is Cool" competition that some of the students are going to. We were happy with how well your students did in practice. Next week we will do some rounds of "math jeopardy" to get the students ready for competition -- which we think should be pretty fun. The "Math is Cool" competition is next Friday March 7th. We did not assign any homework, but for those going to "Math is Cool" it would be great to have your student work through some old exams for practice. You can find these resources online here. We still could take a couple more students to the competition. The competition should be a lot of fun with individual and team events. Let us know if your student would now like to participate.
Math is Cool info for those going:
Date: Friday March 7th
Time: 3:00pm departure from Montlake Elementary
Transportation: parent drivers
Location: Mount Rainier High School, Des Moines, WA
Cost: none
Permission slips are attached to this email.
Call for parent drivers! We will be needing parent drivers/chaperons for the competition. Please respond ASAP if you can help.
The MMC Team
Dear MMC Parents and Guardians,
We hope you all had a good Spring break! Today in class we worked on writing formal "proofs". Homework for next week is to finish today's work sheet and to do the one homework problem on it. This can be found here on the website. There are also old work sheets now posted on the website.
We only have four more weeks of Math Challenge for this year. The next two classes will be regular lessons, the second to the last week we will have a "Mathematical Auction", and the last week we will have an end of the year party.
The MMC Team