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Monthly Math Hour at the University of Washington

Math Hour Open Olympiad 2010

Problems, Statistics, and Results

Thank you!

This event would not have been possible without the dedicated support and time given by the following individuals:
  1. Scientific Committee: Ania Burago, Steven Klee, Luba Malkina, Sergey Malkin, Julia Pevtsova, Alexander Vaschillo, Dylan Wilson, Andrei Yatsenko, Irina Yatsenko
  2. Judges: Dave Anderson, Joel Barnes, Nate Bottman, Andrei Burago, Ania Burago, Tim Burago, Andrew Crites, Dobromir Dimotrov, Ioana Dumitriu, Sergey Dubinets, Michael Entin, Sergey Genkin, Sasha Gil, Cristian Ilac, Matt Junge, Tobias Johnson, Nebojsa Jojic, Chad Klumb, Kolya Malkin, Luba Malkina, Sergei Malkin, Julia Pevtsova, Jim Stark, Alexander Vaschillo, Alex Vaschillo, Dmitry Vasilevsky, Dylan Wilson, Andrei Yatsenko, Irina Yatsenko,
  3. Proctors: Sasha Burago, Ariana Dundon, Chloe Huber, Jane Hung, Antonio Kirson, Fritzie Reisner, Stephen Rutherford, Milda Zizyte
In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the generous help and support from the Northwest Academy of Sciences. This event was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0800940.