Grades and Solutions to Quizzes, Proficiency Tests and Midterm

As soon as possible after each test, solutions will be posted on this page. Your exam may be slightly different from the version below


Proficiency Tests Midterm

Your grade on the first 4 quizzes can be estimated by dividing the sum of your scores by 8, but the maximum is 4.0.

Your grade on the first proficiency test is a linear function of your score. The grade for a score of 30 is 4.0 and the grade for a score of 22 is 2.0.

Your grade on the midterm is a linear function of your score. The grade for a score of 40 is 4.0 and the grade for a score of 21 is 2.5. The average grade on the midterm was 2.3.

To see how much these items count toward your final course grade, see section on Grades in the handout. Here are the average Math 120 grades given in recent years by all instructors:
Winter '95: 2.32; Spring '95: 2.55; Autumn '95: 2.83; Winter '96: 2.74; Spring '96: 2.81.

To estimate your grade in the course using your midterm grade (MT), quiz grade (Q) and proficiency grade (P), compute:

(9/13)MT + (3/13)Q + (1/13)P

I do not have the records of the homework scores, nor to I have all of the quiz scores (the TAs are keeping these records). But based on the above estimate for grades, the average grade for this class is currently 2.6. It is expected that some students with low grades will drop the course, and so the expected average grade for this class is higher than 2.6.

Recommendation: If your course grade is less than 2.0, or your midterm grade less than 15 and you intend to eventually take calculus, you should drop the course.

The minimum grade required for entry into math 124 is 2.5. A grade of less than 2.0 indicates that you have missed a significant portion of the material in the first half of this class. This will make it difficult for you to understand the remaining material in math 120 and Calculus will undoubtably be a struggle. Your time would perhaps be better spent if you drop math 120 this quarter, enroll in math 120 next quarter and master the material at the beginning of the quarter.

The conversion of numerical grades to letter grades can be found by clicking here.

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