Instructor: |
Professor John M. Lee Phone: 543-1735 Office: Padelford C546 Office Hours: Mon & Wed 11:30-12:20 or by appointment E-mail: |
Class Meetings: |
Math 324A: MWF 9:30-10:20, EEB 108 Math 324B: MWF 10:30-11:20, Bagley 421 |
Problem Sessions: | Thursdays 12:30-2:20, Loew 101 |
Texts: | [AMCI] Advanced Multivariable Calculus I, version 96.9, by Caspar R. Curjel, 1996. Available at Professional Copy, 4200 University Way NE (634-2689). Required. |
| [EMVC] Exercises in Multivariable and Vector Calculus, by Caspar R. Curjel, McGraw-Hill, 1990. Available at the University Bookstore. Required. |
| Reprints of Math 324 Exams, version 96.9, by Caspar R. Curjel, 1995. Available at Professional Copy, 4200 University Way NE (634-2689). Optional. |
Equipment: | A transparent ruler with metric scale is required for homework assignments, tests, and exams. You can purchase one in the bookstore. Be sure to bring your ruler and texts to every class meeting. |
Prerequisite: | Math 126, or an equivalent course in multivariable calculus that stresses geometric reasoning. The course must have covered vectors in space, lines, planes, curves, partial derivatives, gradients, directional derivatives, max/min problems for functions of x and y, and double integrals. Much of the material in Math 324 requires geometric reasoning. During the first week of this course, you'll get a chance to practice the skills you learned in your previous course. |
Course Web Site: | From the Math Department home page, Courses -> Math 324A & B |