Math 324B: Final grades

Grades are posted here with the last 5 digits of your student number, for those who checked the appropriate box on their final exams. Exam grades are out of a total of 160.

If you have any question about your grade, contact Professor Lee after July 7.

 Number  Exam  Course Grade
  11018   103     2.6
  13376    62     1.3
  20333   113     2.7
  20620   111     3.7
  21708   124     3.3
  21757   145     3.8
  22074    50     0.0
  22180   125     3.9
  22306   141     4.0
  22618   149     4.0
  23119    77     1.0
  24049   146     4.0
  24767   147     4.0
  26371   134     3.9
  26375   133     3.4
  28055   147     4.0
  33679   135     3.9
  34887    73     2.4
  35188    83     2.1
  36110   152     4.0
  40560   142     3.8
9550125   156     4.0
9750125   131     3.3
  50189   158     4.0
  50424    91     2.4
  50448    95     2.3
  50468   118     3.1

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