Math 324A: Final grades

Grades are posted here with the last 5 digits of your student number, for those who checked the appropriate box on their final exams. Exam grades are out of a total of 160.

If you have any question about your grade, contact Professor Lee after July 7.

Number  Exam   Course Grade  
11761    128      3.0 
12118     52      1.9 
13323    125      3.6 
20169    126      3.6 
20527    114      2.6 
20530     89      2.3 
20964    109      2.7 
21327    127      3.9 
21590    103      2.4 
22486    131      3.9 
22673    146      3.9 
22905     56      1.4 
23031    150      4.0 
23163    139      4.0 
24133    129      3.7 
25359     55      0.0 
28998     62      1.7 
30483    103      3.0 
31028    111      2.7 
33468    109      3.3 
34890     93      3.3 
35027    104      2.4 
40123     63      1.9 
50337    151      4.0 

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