Summer Geometry Institute, August 12-17. (My sessions: spheres and circular
Minicourses A and B, August 12-16 (My minicourse: Integrating Sketchpad)
Workshops and Talks, 2000-2001
MAA-AMS Joint Meetings, Jan 10-13, 2001, New Orleans
Invited 20-minute talk at Special Session, " Approaching affine geometry
concepts with dynamic software: invariance, concurrence, area theorems, barycentric
coordinates and splines.
Geometry with the Geometer's Sketchpad. A residential course for teachers
in the Seattle Public Schools. No cost to the teachers. Contact
Alliance for Education, 500 Union St, Suite 320, Seattle WA 98101-2332
The research topic this summer is Symplectic Geometry and Topology. I will
be teaching a geometry course in the computer lab for the High School Teachers
Program and partaking of the rich mathematical environment.
Workshops and Talks, 1996-1997
Workshop, "Geometry using Technology," UW Inservice Day, October
11, 1996.
Geometry using Technology: From Software in the Classroom to Resources
on the Web. Part of a UW inservice day for Seattle teachers on the UW campus,
an outreach project of UWIRED.
Geometer's Sketchpad Workshop, PCMI Louisville Site, October 25-26,
An intermediate Sketchpad workshop for high school teachers, sponsored
by the Louisville PCMI Site. Also gave a colloquium talk to University of
Louisville math department.
Cabri Workshop, PCMI Duke Site, November 22-23, 1996.
A workshop for high school teachers, sponsored by the Duke PCMI Site,
. The topic was exploring geometry with the Cabri Geometry software in the
Ti-92 calculator.
Geometer's Sketchpad Workshop, Meridian Jr. High School, Kent,
WA, March 15, 1997
A one-day workshop for secondary and college teachers.
ORMATYC Crossroads Workshop, Salishan Lodge, Gleneden, Oregon,
April 24-27.
Crossroads Workshop 4/25: Math Modeling and Problem Solving with Geometry
Software and also invited luncheon talk, 4/26, "The Role of Geometry at
the Community College". ORMATYC is the Oregon Mathematics Association of
Two-Year Colleges.
This NSF summer workshop for college teachers was held at DePauw University
in Greencastle, Indiana. I taught a short course called New Perspectives
on Geometry using Dynamic Geometry Software.
MAA Minicourse, "Dynamic Geometry Lab with Sketchpad," MathFest,
Seattle, August 11-12, 1996.
Four-hour, two-part minicourse introducing Geometer's Sketchpad and some
of its applications in teaching geometry.