Links for Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Ratio

Ron Knott's Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section

This is a very big Fibonacci site in the UK. It has a lot of discussion of rabbits, cows and bees and also terrific photos of veggies, flowers, and pinecones.

This site includes Fibonacci puzzles. Try some.

Also there are some Quicktime movies of spirals growing on this site. Oddly enough so far I can only find them linked from another site:

Cynthis Lanius's lesson on Golden Ratio

Some nice measuring ideas for kids - also additional links

The UBC page is also aimed at young students.

Dr. Math

Dr. Math has some discussion of Fibonacci basics and some more links.

Phyllotaxis Site

This phyllotaxis site has amazing applets that draw some of the spirally steps that we tried in our conversation about the rules of growth.