Math 497 Assignment #3 (Revised)
Read the sections on Fibonacci numbers in Chapter 3. We will skip Catalan numbers until later. Review the sections on triangular and tetrahedral numbers to see the connection with Pascal's triangle.
0. Redo the last problem from Assignment #2 using Newton's method. The first problem below is an attempt to explain this method.
Also check out some of the Web Pascal triangle calculators and references that show the fractal patterns.
1. More with difference equations and figurate numbers
The figurate numbers are sequences of numbers such as the triangular numbers. These are number that some from the diagonal of Pascal's triangle that is parallel to the left side, so we have
You can think of these as functions on the positive integers and graph them either with bar graphs or with points in the x, y plane.
The Difference Operator D is an operator that takes such a function and produces another function. If G(n) is a function, then (DG)(n) = G(n+1) - G(n).
Think about what this means and answer the following questions.
2. Fibonacci numbers and ratios
Compute the Fibonacci numbers for many places and at each stage. Compute the ratio of the new Fibonacci divided by the previous one. Do you see a pattern? You may want to use a spreadsheet for this.
3. Pascal coefficient paths and "percentage"
Make a series of bar graphs, each showing a row of the numbers in the Pascal triangle. But make one change. In each case divide the coefficients by the sum of all the coefficients in the row, so the numbers you plot are numbers between 0 and 1 representing the "percentage" of the total taken up by the single coefficient. You may want to use a spreadsheet to help with this, or a calculator.
4. Open ended
Follow up one of the online sources and write up a page of some interesting aspect of the Pascal triangle and/or Fibonacci numbers.
5. History or biography
Look up some biographical about Pascal or Fibonacci or about the Indian or Chinese history of the Pascal triangle and write a half-page about what you found.