Textbook: The Book of Numbers by Conway and Guy (will be abbreviated BON)
Reading: Chapter 2 of BON. There is a lot in this chapter. You should read (1) the sections that include what was covered in the first class and (2) the sections needed to do the assignment.
Learning Assignment:
You should learn and be able to reproduce and/or use the formulas and relations investigated in class.
Problem Assignment:
1.1 Read the Section on Polygonal Numbers. Then pick out two or three relations among polygonal numbers, and write up a clear explanation with either a good figure or a good model.
1.2 Read and retell in your own words the basic properties of square pyramid numbers, including two of the explanations for the formula for square pyramid numbers. Include good figures, etc.
1.3 Write up a description of one of the other kinds of special numbers in this chapter, with good illustrations.
1.4 Based on the method in class of grouping squares, make a diagram that shows why, since 3 is congruent to 18 mod 5 and 2 is congruent to 7 mod 5, then 2*3 is congruent to 18*7 mod 5.