The point of this assignment is to get you to think about the big questions, concepts and facts about polyhedra that you have learned or plan to learn during our unit on polyhedra, that is coming to a close.
There are two parts to the assignment.
Submit 3 questions, concepts or facts that you think are among the most important and appropriate for a test on the polyhedral topic. Be sure to include something that you know well, but you can also include topics that you have not yet mastered. Those you can also pose on the discussion board below.
Method of Submission. This link goes to a WebQ with 3 answer fields. You can type or paste your answers into the form.
Link to form to post your questions
The degree to which you participate in this part of the assignment is optional, but credit will be assigned, so it is a chance to learn something, help someone, and also get some points.
The link below goes to a discussion group where you can pose a question or answer a question. The goal is for a student to pose questions or topics for discussion in order to clear them up before the end of the unit.
Note: I decided not to make this anonymous so I can give credit to good questions and good answers. There is no penalty for asking questions. Even if you know an answer, you may want a better answer.