In a new sketch, draw 3 points ABC and a point P. Then we will make a tool that computes a ratio that is one of the affine coordinates.
We will denote this ratio as hC(P) or as h[C](P); we will call it the affine C-height of P above base AB.
Hide the lines. Then make a tool that will take A, B, C, P and compute hC(P).
Question: For what points P is c(P) equal the following values: 0, 1, 1/2, -1, 2, 1/3?
Construct a new line parallel to AB and Merge point P to this line.
Continue with triangle ABC and point P, but now use your tool to compute both h[C](P) and h[B](P). You can use x and y to denote y = h[C](P) and x = h[B](P).
Construct both triangles ABP and CAP and measure the areas and the ratios obtained by dividing the areas by the area of ABC. These ratios should agree (except possible for sign) with x and y.
Draw a line AD and merge point P with this line. Check that as P moves along the line, the ratio y/x is constant. Check that the constant equals h[B](D)/h[C](D).
Use this and the calculator to find quantities a and b so that ax + by = 0 for all P on this line. (So there should be a quantity ax + by calculated on the screen so that as P moves, the quantity is always 0.)
Next, draw a point E and construct the line k through E parallel to AD. Split point P from line AD and merge it to this new line k. What happens to the quantity ax+by as P moves along the new line?
Now draw a point F and construct a line m through F parallel to line BC. Split P from k and merge it with line m.
Examine carefully what happens when P moves outside triangle ABC. The union of the 3 triangles ABP, BCP, and CAP is larger than triangle ABC, but the regions outside ABC are each covered by two triangles, one of which is positively oriented and one of which is negatively oriented, so that the sum is still one.
Finally, be sure to drag C so that the triangle ABC is oriented in a clockwise direction. See what happens. Do the relations still hold?
Optional Tool idea. Make a tool that will take A, B, C and P and will calculate all 3 coordinates x, y, z in one step.
These kinds of questions will appear on assignments and/or tests.
In a new sketch draw a triangle ABC and intersect medians to construct the centroid G. What are the coordinates x, y, z for G? How does this follow from a theorem that we know about the centroid?