Will give more details soon but here are the main points.
It is suggested that you work in teams of 3. Teams of 2 are also possible. Teams and topics should be chosen by Friday 1/14 or by the next Wed at the latest.
There will be a due date for the first draft and at least a week or two before the final delivery so that the team can get feedback and make changes.
This is an initial list of suggested topics. There may be more later. It is possible to suggest a topic, but these are topics that we want in the course, so there is a strong bias towards them.
Some info
Centers of Mass in Geometry | Gives new results and powerful tools for barycentric topics. Physical models with weights recommended. | Should be early topic |
Bezier Curves | How computer science draws curves, from fonts to figures. A coordinate topic with some interesting polynomials.. | Middle |
Fermat point in the triangle | This point shows up in amazing figures with equilateral triangles. Possible phyical models with weights. | Can be early |
Symmetries of the cube | Starts with simple hands-on activity. Mark axes. Find orientation reversing symmetries. includes surprising rotation relationships. | Middle |
Maps and spheres 1: Surface area | Explain facts about the surface area of the sphere. Relate to area-preserving maps. | Middle or late |
Maps and spheres 2: Mercator | What is the mercator projection mathematically. How is it good? How is it not so good? | Middle or late |
Logarithmic Spiral | This is the nautilus shell, approximately. | Any time |
Star Polygons | A simple shape with some nice angle and integer properties. | Any time |
Paper models of non-Euclidean geometry | Tape together annuli to get a very curvy plane. Anyone for pentagons with all angles = 90 degrees? | Latish. |
Cathedral windows | Advanced constructions with circles and arcs. Be medieval. | Middle |
Origami Math | Some beautiful models can be part of this but there must be a big math component also (i.e., why does the folding work?). | Any time |
Conic Sections | Several possible projects here, from 3D intersections of cones to constructions from perspective geometry | Middle or late |
Euclidean tessellations | Several possible projects here. But must be math-y and not just prett-y. | Any time |
Spherical tessellations | Integrate polyhedra and tiling of the sphere. | Middle to late. |
Hyperbolic Non-Euclidean tessellations | Many tilings of the non-Euclidean plane. | Late |