Math 445/487 Winter 2005 Geometry for Teachers
Math 445 meets MWF 10:30-11:20 in MGH 287. Math 487 meets W 2:30-4:20 in CMU B027.
Week 1: 1/03-07
Week 2: 1/10-14
Week 3: 1/17-21
Week 4: 1/24-28
Week 5: 1/31-2/04
Week 6: 2/07-11
Week 7: 2/14-18
Week 8:2/21-25
Week 9: 2/28-3/04
Week 10: 3/07-11
Week 11: 3/14-18
News: Answers to assignments (scanned from student work) are linked to the Assignment page.
Construction Portfolio #1 and #2 are also linked from the Assignment Page.
Many notes on circles and inversion are linked from the Notes page.
Instructor: James King Teaching Assistant: Zachary Treisman
General Course Description