Here are our Questions:
1. Why might a high school math teacher find it useful to demonstrate the connection
between the surface area of a sphere and the surface area of a cylinder to his
or her students?
2. Which latitudes of the rubber ball have a projected length twice that of their spherical length?
3. In the UTM projection, the central meridian has scale factor of one from the sphere to the projection. If the boundaries of the UTM zones were parallels to the central meridian, what would the scaling factor be for distances along the borders from the sphere to the projection?
4. Compare the area of a lune of a sphere with angle = 30° and the area of its Lambert cylindrical projection and explain your finding.
5. Find the area of one UTM zone. Geodetic reference of 1980 gives Earth radius
of 6378137 m.
Have Fun
Severin, Doug, Elese