Part A
The questions 1-5 in this part refer to this figure from the lab. Since there are many parts to this, please organize your response with plenty of white space, brief but convincing and clear reasons, and clearly labeled answers. Since some of the answers have multiple parts, and the reasoning may be repeated, a good answer will organize the ideas so as to state an idea once and then apply it. It is not good style to repeat the same lines over and over.
Notation for this problem (from the lab):
Part B: Barycentric
This figure is built up of congruent copies of the small triangle in the corner (as we did in class with the cut-out triangles). Each side of ABC is divided into 5 equal parts. The points inside are formed from parallels to the sides through the division points.
In this figure, the barycentric coordinates (x, y, z) are indicated in order for each of the vertices of ABC. Use the same order when answer the questions.
Questions: Show your work or explain briefly your reasons.
Part C
Barycentric coordinates of intersections
Given a triangle ABC and points A' on BC and B' on CA, let P be the intersection of AA' and BB'. Suppose the ratio BA'/A'C = 2/3 and ratio CB'/B'A = 1/5.
Show your work with reasoning.
12. Plotting points from barycentric coordinates
Construct an equilateral triangle ABC and plot the points P, Q, R (you can use a marked ruler or you can construct).