Notes for
1) What is a “straight”?
(1) Stretch a string around a sphere: why does this give us a great circle?
(2) Visually, ex… light rays.
(3) If you are walking and blindfolded: have your steps parallel and equal
(4) In a car: the wheels must be going at equal speed so it won’t curve
(5) For spheres: roll and trace the points of contact. You should come back to where you started from
(6) Symmetry across a curve
2) Definition of Geodesic: means straight path
3) What are lines on a plane?
4) Which points do you need?
5) How many points do you need for a sphere?
6) Given any 2 points is there a great circle?
7) Is there exactly one great circle through two points? Why?
8) If you have a point on a sphere, what is its opposite/ antipodal point?
9) What are the only circles that if you take the opposite point, you get the same circle?
10) Are there parallel great circles?
11) Elliptic Geometry:
12) Why are only great circles straight?
§ No, the path is curved
§ There are infinity number of paths that are curved on a sphere, the only straight path are great circles because it goes through the antipodal points.
13) How do you measure the distance on a surface of a sphere from points A to B?
14) What is its unit of measurement?
15) Distances: have a point and antipodal point
16) Duel Polar, “equator”= Great Circle