(a) In the triangle below, AD = b, AE = c, BD = 1 and CE = 1. Find the barycentric coordinates of F.
Let (x,y,z) be the barycentric coordinates with respect to ABC. Then considering the ratios on the sides AB and AC, we get
Then taking the sum =1, we get x + bx + cx = x(1+b+c) = 1, so
We can also write [x, y, z] = [1/(1+b+c), b/(1+b+c), c/(1+b+c)] or (1/(1+b+c))[1, b, c].
(b) If the area of triangle ABC = 10, what is the area of triangle FBC?
The area = x10 = 10/(1+b+c).
Let A = (1, 2, 3) and B = (81, 42, -29).
(a) Find the point C on line AB for which AC/CB = 5/3.
C = sA + tB, with s+t=1. By the law of levers, this C can be interpreted as the center of mass for mass s at A and mass t at B. We can also write C = (1-t)A + tB and C = A + t(B-A). All these ways are equivalent.
According to Archimedes, we have t/s = 5/3. We can solve this several ways:
(b) Find the point D on line AB for which AD/DB = -5/3.
We use the same methods.
(c) Find the point E where line AB intersects the (x, y, 0) plane (i.e., the coordinate plane containing the x and y axes).
E = A + t(B-A) = (1, 2, 3) + t(80, 40, -32). The z coordinate of E = 3 - 32t which = 0 when t = 3/32.
Thus E = (1, 2, 3) + (3/32)(80, 40, -32) -- this is already a correct answer --
E = (1, 2, 3) + (3/4)(10, 5, -4) = (17/2, 23/4, 0) = (8.5, 5.75, 0)
Suppose that point D has barycentric coordinates (2, 1, -2) with respect to triangle ABC.
The image of D will have the same barycentric coordinates with respect to T(A) T(B) T(C) as D has with ABC, so T(D) = 2T(A) + 1 T(B) + (-2) T(C) = (-9, -3).