Math 487 Lab 8: Exploring the Poincaré Disk Model
Background and Definitions
The definition of the Poincaré disk model (with some construction tips)
is at this link. This is listed as
Lab 8, but some of the work will be done in 445 class and some will be on a
homework assignment.
Lab Activity 1. Parallel Line Experiments
This first Activity is already done in the Example file pdisk.gsp that
you can download here.
Example file and Automatch: This lab will work very well using Automatch
for O and for R in your tools. In the example file, the points are given the
distinctive names P-center instead of O and P-radius
instead of R. If you add pages to your file using Document Options, you can
keep these names intact.
Begin by drawing the circle h with center O through radius point R.
- Construct P-line AB. Given two P-points A and B construct a P-line
through A and B. (For this dynamic construction, we ignore the special
case when the P-line is a Euclidean line). Make a P-line tool with
givens O, R, A, B. [You can automatch.]
- Experiment - visualizing lines through A
- Trace the supporting circle of P-line AB as B moves and A is
fixed. This is the trace of a pencil of circles. Why is this so? What
pencil is it, and what kind of pencil?
- Turn off tracing.
- Drag point A or B around to get a feel for what the P-line AB looks
like when A and B are close together, far apart, near the ideal circle
h and when they are (nearly) collinear with O.
- Construct a second P-line CD in your figure.
- Experiment: Visualizing Intersections and parallels
- Drag D with A, B and C fixed.
- Observe the appearance of the figure when P-line CD intersects P-line
AB at some P-point. In this case, at how many points do the supporting
circles intersect?
- When the two supporting circles intersect at one point, how are
the circles related? In this case, do the P-lines intersect? In
this case the P-lines are said to be (critically) parallel.
- If the supporting circles of the P-lines do not meet at all, we say the
P-lines are ultra-parallel.
- Construct a third P-line EF in your figure.
- Experiments with critical parallels and 3 lines
- Drag CD so that it is critically parallel (approximately) to AB at one
of the two points at infinity and drag EF so that it is critically parallel
(approximately) to AB at the other of the two points at infinity. Note that
this does not make CD and EF critically parallel to each other. The P-line
AB has two collections of critical parallels, one at each direction at infinity.
- Drag EF so that it is critically parallel to both the other lines and
so that the 3 lines form a "triangle" with vertices at infinity.
What would you say are the angles at infinity of this triangle (i.e, what
are the angles between the supporting circles)?
- Drag the lines so that AB and CD are critically parallel. Is is possible
to drag P-line EF so that it is orthogonal to both these lines? Explain
why this is or is not possible, reasoning using the support circles.
- Finally, drag the 3 lines so that they are approximately critical parallels
in the same direction at infinity. If any other line is critically parallel
to AB in this direction is is also critically parallel to the other 2 lines?
- Experiments with ultraparallels and 3 lines
- Drag the 3 P-lines in your figure so that line AB is ultraparallel to
line CD and line CD is ultraparallel to line EF, but line AB and line EF
are not ultraparallel (or even parallel).
- Drag the 3 P-lines in your figure so that line AB is ultraparallel to
line CD and drage line EF to be critically parallel to line AB and also
to line CD.
- Drag the 3 P-lines in your figure so that line AB is ultraparallel to
line CD and line EF is orhtogonal to line AB and also to line CD. Is
this possible? Are there many such lines?
Lab Activity 2. Perpendicular Line Constructions
Add a new sketch page to your file by copying Page 1 using Document Options.
- Construct the perpendicular to a P-line through a point. Given the
P-line m through A and B and a P-point g, construct a P-line n
through g which is perpendicular to m. (Hint: Translate this into a
construction problem in Euclidean geometry of circles.)
- Make a Perpendicular P-line tool, with givens O, R, A, B, and
- Experiment with the perpendicular
- Drag G back and forth and trace P-line n.
- What kind of pencil is the set of supporting circles of the P-lines n?
- This is a family of Apollonian circles with respect to two limit points
P and Q (i.e., a hyperbolic pencil of circles)? What are points P and Q
in this case?
- Construct the perpendicular to two P-lines. Given two ultraparallel
P-lines m and n, construct a P-line p which is orthogonal to
both m and n. (Hint: Translate this into a construction problem
in Euclidean geometry of circles.)
- What happens to p if m and n are dragged to be almost critically parallel?
- Explanations and Connections
- Recall that any two circles belong to a unique pencil of circles.
- What kind of pencil do the supporting circles of m and n
belong to?
- If they are Apollonian circles with respect to two limit points, what
are the two points?
- Explain why the supporting circle of p and the circle h belong to the
pencil of circles orthogonal to the supporting circles of m and n.
What kind of pencil do h and p belong to?
- Just using orthogonal circles, explain why there can be only one circle
orthogonal to the supporting circles of m, n and also orthogonal to circle
Lab Activity 3. Mirror lines
In our study of Euclidean geometry, we began with a known distance measure
and concept of congruence and defined isometries, which were the transformations
that preserve distance (and hence congruence). It is possible to reverse this
process. Start with a collection of transformations that seem geometrically
natural, and see whether it is possible to define a distance so that these are
the isometries. To begin with, we can say two figures are congruent (with respect
to these transformations) if one is the image of the other by one of the special
A good place to start for this process is to figure out the meaning of line
reflection. Then let the isometry candidates be the compositions of line reflections.
In the P-model, line reflection is defined as inversion in the supporting
circle of the line.
- Reflect a point
- Construct a p-line m and a point A. Invert the point A in the support
circle of m to get A'.
- Check by experiment that if A is any P-point (i.e., inside h) then A'
is also a P-point on the opposite side of m (but also inside h).
- Reflect a triangle
- Construct 3 P-lines to form a P-triangle ABC. Reflect the triangle across
a P-line m to form a P-triangle A'B'C'. These triangles are congruent.
- Drag the triangle ABC and also m around to observe what congruent triangles
look like in the model.
- Construct the perpendicular bisector (important construction)
- Given two P-points A and B, construct a P-line m so that the
P-reflection of A in m is B. (This is the P-line of symmetry of
AB, that is the mirror line of A and B or also the perpendicular
bisector.) Save as a tool.
Lab Activity 4. P-Circles are E-circles
We don't yet know how to measure distance in the P-model, but we do know how
to reflect across a line so we can find what a circle looks like. The idea is
that if AQ and AQ' are two radii of a circle, then AQ' is the reflection of
AQ in the perpendicular bisector p of QQ'. The line p will pass through A because
A is equidistant from Q and Q'. Conversely, for any line p through A, the reflection
of AQ is a segment AQ' congruent to AQ, so Q' is on the circle through Q with
center A. The set of all these reflections is exactly the set of points on the
- Constructing P-circle points by reflecting in a moving mirror
- Take a P-point A and construct the P-line m = P-line AB.
- Take any P-point Q. Reflect Q across m to get Q'.
- Now trace Q' as you drag B (and thus rotate the P-line AB around A).
Note that Q' appears to trace a Euclidean circle.
- This circle is the P-circle with P-center A. Is the E-center of the
circle also A?
- Construct an E-circle which is a P-circle:
- Construct the Euclidean circle d through Q which is orthogonal to the
supporting circle m_ of a P-line m through A. Make a tool for this
or use an old one.
- Explain why for any P-line through A, the P-reflection of Q in the P-line
will be on this Euclidean circle d and why the P-reflection in any P-line
through A will reflect d to itself.
- Also notice that d does not intersect h; in fact d and h are both Apollonian
circles of A and A'.
- Drag Q and trace this circle to see a family of concentric P-circles.
What do the circles look like when the center is very near infinity (the
circle h)?
- Circumcircle Question
- Construct a triangle ABC and the P-perpendicular bisectors of the sides.
Are they always concurrent?
- In the P-model, do three non-collinear points A, B, C always lie on
a circle?
- Do the supporting circles of the P-perpendicular bisectors always belong
to a pencil? Explain the cases.
- Horocycles
- Given an ideal point X and point P, consider the locus
of reflections P' of P in lines XB for all possible points B. This gives
a locus that can be considered as a "circle with center at infinity".
- Observe that this locus is a Euclidean circle. But this locus is not
a P-circle because one point of the Euclidean circle is not a P-point.
Which point?
- This figures, which have no analog in Euclidean geometry, are called
Lab Activity 5. Compass constructions with P-circles
This works best if you have made a P-circle tool. Remember that the P-circle
is just a special Apollonian circle, so you may be able to adapt an old script.
- Euclid's First Construction - Equilateral triangle
- Given two P-points A and B, construct the circle with P-center A through
B and the circle with P-center B through A.
- If C and D are the points of intersection of the two circles, observe
that you have constructed two equilateral triangle ABC and ABD.
- Measure the angles of an equilateral triangle
- Use the Euclidean centers of the supporting circles of AB and BC to
measure the angle ABC (this is the angle between the tangents to the circles,
not the Euclidean angle ABC).
- Move the triangle around and see what happens to the size of the angle
as the triangle gets bigger. What happens if A and B get very near the circle
- If you measure the other angles of the triangle they will be the same.
You can eyeball this or you can measure to make sure.
- Perpendicular Bisector - with P-straightedge and P-compass
- Also, construct the P-line CD and note that it is the P-perpendicular
bisector of AB.
Lab Activity 6. Equal width, equal P-Steps and P-translations
- Poincare "constant width" strips
- Given m = line AB, construct a point C on m.
- Then construct P-line c through C perpendicular to m.
- Take any a P-point P. Reflect P in m to get P'. Reflect P and P' in
c to get Q and Q'. P and P' are the same distance from line m. Why?
- Then trace Q and Q' as you drag point C. Notice that the segment PP'
is P-congruent to QQ', so the lengths of the segments perpendicular to
m are the same in hyperbolic geometry.
- What do the loci of Q and Q' look like? Are they parts of E-circles?
Are they P-lines?
- Explain what you see.
- Poincare equal distance and ruler
- In the same setup as above, with m = line AB, construct P-lines a and
b perpendicular to m through A and B. Reflect A in b to get A'.
- Then reflect A'' in a to get A'''. Then reflect A''' in b to get A'''';
then reflect the result in a again, then reflect the result in b again,
and on and on.
- You should get a set of points A, A', A''', A''''', etc., stretching
on one direction one line m and A, A'', A'''', A'''''', etc. in the other
- If line reflections are isometries, these sequences of points are equally
spaced and give a ruler on line m.
- Poincare "translations"
- Recall the link between double reflection in parallel lines and translations
and parallel strips in Euclidean geometry. Describe the hyperbolic transformation
which is this double reflections in ultraparallels in the P-model.
- Explain why the loci of Q and Q' are transformed into themselves by
this double reflection.
- Are lines mapped to parallel lines by this transformation?