Lab 5

This lab has some hands-on activity and some Sketchpad activity. The instructions for the Lenart spheres say DRAW, which means you can measure. But it should be an accurate figure. For methods of constructing great circles with GSP, you can refer to Lab 4.

You can work in pairs. Show an instructor your work when done. It is suggested you save this and/or print it out. This work will be part of Assignment 6.

Part 1: Octahedron and Cube in the Sphere

Part 2: Stereo Image of Part 1

Part 3. Midpoint triangle of octahedral triangles

Part 4. GSP Midpoint triangle of octahedral triangles

Part 5. Completion of Lab 4.

Part of Assignment 6 will be to turn in two careful figures of a sphere with latitude circles and longitude lines, each drawn every 15 degrees. Also, given the latitude and longitude of a point you should be able to do a straigthtedge and compass construction of the stereographic image of the point (e.g, in time for the midterm). The cubical work above is a good example.

The material about Wulff diagrams in Lab 4 may help.