Math 445 Midterm 2
Problem 1. Apollonian circles (30 points)
Problem 2. Proof concerning inversion of a line (25 points
Given a Euclidean circle c and a Euclidean line m, let m' be the inversion of m in c. [You may include the point at infinity as a point of m if this simplifies your answers.]
Problem 3. DWEG construction (20 points)
The figure below is a figure in the DWEG model, where the point O is the special point that is removed from the plane and is not a DWEG point. For your convenience the Euclidean circles x and y which are DWEG lines AB and AD have already been constructed (the Euclidean centers of x and y are X and Y).
Construct a point C so that ABCD is a DWEG parallelogram.
Problem 4. P-model (25 potnts)
The figure below shows the P-model inside circle c with two P-lines m and n (the ideal points EFGH are also in the figure).