Read Ogilvy, Chapter 7. Read BEG, pages 94-102, 136-146.
- (15 points) Write a statement of Desargues theorem. Construct a figure that illustrates the Desargues Theorem in a "general" case. Also construct a figure where one of the lines in the figure is the line at infinity.
- (15 points) Write a statement of Pappus theorem. Construct a figure that illustrates the Pappus Theorem. Also construct a figure where the intersection points are one the line at infinity.
- (10 points) Draw a circle c and a point P outside c. Construct the polar p of P. Let a secant m through P intersect the circle at A and B. Construct the point Q on m such that P and Q divide the segment AB harmonically. Observe the relationship between Q and p. What do you see?