Problems 1-9 are 5 points each. Problem 10 is 15 points.
Be prepared to do a problem like those on pp. 91-92, 2.2 #1 or #3 in class. (See back of book for some answers). Do not turn this in. You will be asked to do a problem at the beginning of class Monday.
BEG p. 92 , 2.2 #4.
BEG p. 92 , 2.2 #5.
BEG p. 92 , 2.3 #1b.
BEG p. 92 , 2.3 #2a.
BEG p. 92 , 2.3 #3b.
BEG p. 92 , 2.3 #5.
BEG p. 93 , 2.4 #2.
BEG p. 92 , 2.4 #4.
Given the triangle figure at the end of lab 3. If the sides of the triangle ABC are a = |BC|, b = |CA|, c = |AB|. Then the three small triangles sharing vertex P in the figure are similar to ABC (why?). Let the ratios of similitude be called k1, k2, k3, where, B1C2/BC = k1, A2C1/CA = k2, B2A1/AB = k3. Find the lengths of all the segments in the figure in terms of a, b, c and k1, k2, k3. Construct an example of the figure and label the 15 segments with their lengths. Give a proof that your reasoning is correct, but DO NOT REPEAT REDUNDANT STEPS. This can be brief it you do not repeat the same steps.