Math 445 Assignments for Week 1
Reading Assignment with Problems, Due Friday, 1/5 (10 points -- see note)
Read BEG 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 and do the problems (Problems 1 through 6) for inspection at the beginning of class.
Assignment 1, Due Monday 1/8 (45 points)
Read: BEG 1.1.3 and 1.1.5 (discussed in class Friday, 1/5). Read Ogilvy, pp. 36-39 and pp. 73-86 (for discussion Monday, 1/8). Read Exploration 6.4 of GTC.
Reading Question: In the BEG text, the writers use the British usage of the word "gradient". In American English we use a different word for this meaning. What is it? (You can probably figure this out from the context.)
1.1 Conics from sum or difference of distances to two points (10 points)
Answer Questions 1, 2, 3 on the Lab 1 sheet. First describe the traces in conventional (non-Sketchpad) mathematical language as loci of points that satisfy some distance relationship. Then give a careful answer and good explanation for Question 3.
Hint: If circles with centers F1 and F2 intersect at point Q, then QF1F2 is a triangle, so the side lengths satisfy the triangle inequality.
1.2 A locus defined by the ratio of distances to two points (5 points)
Answer Questions 4 and 5 on the Lab 1 sheet.
1.3 Symmetries of conics (5 points)
1.4 Tangent to Parabola (15 points)
This problem refers to the parabola construction in Investigation 1, Exploration 6.4 of GTC, pp. 89-90. Construct this Sketch if you have not done so. We use the same notation. We are given a point A and a line BC. The locus is the locus of all the centers P of all the circles through A which are tangent to line BC.
1.5 Hyperbolas from circles (10 points)
This problem refers to the ellipse/hyperbola construction in Investigation 2, Exploration 6.4 of GTC, pp. 91-92. Construct this Sketch if you have not already done so.