Lab 5: From affine and barycentric coordinates into space

First of all, let's review one of the ways to set up measurements of barycentric coordinates in Sketchpad.


Affine and Barycentric Coordinates

Experiment 1 "Slope"

For each step of the experiment, do it twice. Do it once with Sketchpad, as described. Then make the corresponding drawing on ordinary graph paper and either really make the construction or do a "thought experiment" based on what you know about ordinary coordinate geometry and algebra.

Experiment 2 "Constant Sum"


Open-ended explorations

Affine Transformations from a script

Use the script on the server to use two reference triangles to define the affine transformation from P to a point P'. Then use locus to look at, for example, a parallelogram circumscribed around an ellipse.

On the web -- Some space sketches to emulate.

Look at some of the examples at

Make some sketches like them. Note the use of affine invariant and coordinate ideas.