Construction Quiz, 12/8/2004
Sit at the indicated computer. The quiz will be partly a GSP quiz done at the
computer and partly on paper.
Five constructions are in the GSP file and 2 are on paper. Because of limited
seating at a real table, we may need to stagger the paper work with the computer
work. Follow instructions when you arrive.
- Problems 1-5 are in a computer file that you will be told how to link to.
- Problems B1 and B2 are on paper that you will be handed.
Instructions for the paper constructions
You will get some version of the quiz questions. Proceed as usual on a quiz.
Instructions for the GSP Constructions (this is also in the GSP file)
- Once you have downloaded the file, save it on the local disk using YOUR
LAST NAME (or at least 5 letters if your name is long -- all of it
if your name is short)
- Carry out the constructions on each page of this file as instructed on the
page. Save frequently. All constructions should be DYNAMIC.
In other words, if you drag elements of the figure, the construction should
still work correctly as the geometry dicates.
- When you are finished, SAVE again. Then email the file as an attachment
to king@u
- Be sure to check that your attachment arrives before logging out.
Link to GSP file (now inoperative)