Math 487 Lab 2: Distance from Lines
Sketchpad Lore: Read this first
Distance from a Point to a Line
- Work through Exp 5.2, Investigation 2: Construction – Distance Slider
- Continue the same Investigation 2: Construction – Other Measurements
What you should take away from this is a set of answers to these questions:
In a right triangle, why is the right angle the largest angle?
In a right triangle, why is the hypotenuse the longest side?
Why is the shorted distance from a point C to the points on a line AB given
by the distance from C to the foot E of the perpendicular from C to line
Explain why the figure with the circle in this investigation illustrates
visually the point above. Why does the line AB intersect the circle only
at one point E.
Work through the GSP file and compare with Exp 5.3, Investigation
1: Within an Inch of a Line.
A key point here is that the edge of the trace is the set of points at exactly
distance d from the object. so the set of points at exactly distance d from
a line consists of a pair of lines parallel to the given line. We call the figure
of two lines a STRIP.
- Create a tool to construct a strip from its midline and a segment representing
distance. This is described n Exp 5.3, Investigation 2: Scripts for Strips
in the section Construction – A Strip and its Midline.
Ripples, Strips, and Inscribed Circles
- Work through the first 3 pages of Exp 5.3, Investigation 3, Ripples,
Strips, and Inscribed Circles. These investigations are about two intersecting
What you should carry away from this is the ability to answer Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
- Continue with the rest of Exp 5.3, Investigation 3:
- Work through Construction -- Three Strips from a Triangle and the
- Work through Construction – Intersection of Angle Bisectors and the
Incircle and the Experiment
- Work through Construction – More Lines and More Concurrence and
the Experiment
- Work through Construction – Exterior Bisectors and Excircles and
the Experiment
- Work through Construction –Excircles and the Experiment
Note the answers to Q1, Q2, Q3. These are the Major Conclusions from
the Lab.