Math Sciences Computer Lab, CMU B027 (Communications Building)
Log into the PC using user name Lab and leaving the password field blank. The Sketchpad icon is the one with the triangle and circle in the Math Applications folder. Start the GSP (Geometers Sketchpad) program
Work through the four Sections 1.1 -- 1.3 of GASP.
Work through the four Section 1.4 of GASP.
Follow this link for exploration of triangle congruence.
Create at least some of these figures, but save 40-45 minutes for the last part of the lab. To do this, you may have to be selective. Be sure to go the link at the end of the triangle congruence page.
Work through GTC Section 3.2 (saving the Explore More for later) and Investigation 1 of 3.3. Think about the relationship between perpendicular bisectors and distance.
Draw a segment AB in a blank figure. Then construct points C and D so that ABCD is a square (and remains a square when one drags A or B). If you succeed one way, can you find one or more other ways to carry out the same construction?
This link goes to some constructions for isosceles triangles. We will be doing these constructions on paper in class, but if you have time, you can try them with GSP.