As in most subjects, one masters math by doing. This means that all one's studying should involve drawing, working examples on paper, etc. But the written assignments provide the impetus to work out in polished form problems and constructions and proofs that develop understanding of geometry. They also provide a running assessment for student and instructor of what is going on in the class as to levels of understanding, areas of success, areas that need work, etc.
After the beginning part of the course, regular assignments will be due about once a week. There will sometimes be special short assignments or group assignments to meet particular needs. The reading assignments are given daily, but of course you can read ahead (good idea to be prepared to get maximum benefit from class) or read behind (and get less from class).
Assignment items to turn in will be of several forms.
We feel it is important that assignments be graded and feedback provided. However, some of the problems assigned in this course are not quickly graded. A bit of calculation will show that any problem that just takes 10 minutes per student will add up to about 5 or 6 hours of grading time. Thus the instructors will adopt a number of strategies to make grading possible. In some cases, students will self-report and then groups will discuss answers. In some cases students will be told to resubmit work to get credit.
Since Math 444 is a course designed for students who intend to make a career explaining mathematics, the assignments turned in should be well-written as to language and thought.
Presentation can definitely be part of the grade (plus or minus). Egregious examples of illegibility or bad writing will not be graded What this means is that one should often write down a draft page for brainstorming and then write a completely new page to turn in.
This section gives two contradictory messages. The good news is that in Math 444 one does not have to get 100% to get a high grade. The problems are not routine, so perfection is not required, though a high standard is expected. The bad news (for some) is that skipping the homework and trying to get a high grade by being brilliant on the tests will not work because of the weight put on assignments. Only a small part of the course experience shows up on the tests, so high test grades alone do not ensure a high course grade in the absence of strong assignment grades.