Day 8
Math 444, Friday, 10/15
Sponsor |
Today's class is brought to you by Heron's
Formula. |
Topics |
The "surfer problem"
in an equilateral triangle. Heron's formula. |
Class Schedule |
- Surfer Problem in an equilateral triangle. Sum of distances from a
point to the 3 sides. Links to notes on Surfer
- Heron's formula. Dimensional analysis. Relation to SSS.
- Scaling two sides of a triangle: Area of triangle AB'C' compared with
ABC, when B' is on ray AB and C' is on ray AC'. Proof in BG.
- Revisiting area proofs of Pythagorean theorem.
- Decomposition topics deferred until Monday..
Assignments |
New |
Reading Assignment (due Monday 10/18)
Read Berele-Goldman 4.1 for Monday
Due Today |
Reading Berele-Goldman 3.3, 3.4
Ongoing |
Group Investigation 10/13: Recorder turns in report with
proof of Euclid's proof of Pythagorean theorem via email by Monday
10/18 11:59 PM.
Assignment 4 (due Wednesday 10/20)