We know some facts in general about what it takes to define an isometry uniquely. The most important general theorems are these:
From the facts above about isometries, it is immediate that one can deduce the orientation of a product ST of isometries from the orientation of the factors S and T, simply by counting the number of line reflections and checking for even or odd.
For example, the composition TU of a glide reflection T with a rotation U is the product of 5 line reflections, 3 from T and 2 from U. Since 5 is odd, TU is an orientation reversing transformation and thus a glide reflection or a line reflection. TU cannot be a rotation or a translation or the identity. This is very important information, and it is easy to see as 2+3! Of course if on wants to know precisely which transformation TU is, that is much more detailed work. But a lot can be said very fast.
This multiplication table shows all the cases.
Orientation Preserving U |
Orientation Reversing V |
Orientation Preserving S |
Orientation Preserving SU |
Orientation Reversing SV |
Orientation Reversing T |
Orientation Reversing TU |
Orientation Preserving TV |
Tell what possible kinds of isometries could be these: (a) the product of two glide reflections (b) the product of a line reflection and a translation.