Math 444 Surveys
Instructional Preference Survey
This is a survey that asks what aspects of the Math 444 course have been most
helpful in your learning of geometry and which have helped least.
- It has a special, limited set of questions; it does not replace a full course
- It has more limited goals of helping the instructors make choices for instruction
that will contribute the most to student learning, given a fixed amount of
time and other resources.
- There is also the hope that thinking about the questions may help you decide
how best to work on geometry in the last weeks of the quarter (or next quarter).
For the answers to be useful, we need a couple of ground rules.
- Assume resources are limited. To be fair and workable, if you suggest more
time in some area, you really need to balance it by suggesting less time in
another area.
- Assume for the purpose of the questions, that the goals and the standards
of competency expected in the course will not change. Thus the question is
to find what will help you reach that level, not to change the level or expectations
of the course..
- To give credit to students who complete the questionnaire, it cannot be
anonymous. However, on this questionnaire, the questions are not the sensitive
kind of evaluation for which anonymity should be needed. If you want to suggest
other kinds of changes or have a more free response, you will have that chance
on another occasion, anonymously if you wish.
to the Survey Click on the link and sign in with your UW NetID to take the
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