Tests for Similar Triangles
We have already learned about the criteria SAS, SSS, ASA and HL for congruence of triangles. There is a more general version of each of these tests to shows two triangles are similar.
Suppose we are given two triangles ABC and DEF and wish to check whether or not they are similar. We will use the congruence criteria after scaling triangle ABC suitably.
Preliminary Scaling Step for Each Case
This will be the scaling step in each case. Let k = |DE|/|AB|. Then on ray CA construct point A' so that |CA'| = k|CA|. Likewise, construct the point B' on ray CB so that |CB'| = k|CB|.
By the Dilation Axiom, the new triangle CA'B' is similar to CAB with scaling constant k, so
Outlne for all Proofs for Similarity Criteria
Each case below will start with triangles ABC and DEF.
SAS for Similarity
Given triangles ABC and DEF, suppose that angle BAC = angle FDE and for some k > 0, |DE|/|AB| = |DF|/|AC| = k. Then triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF (with scaling ratio k).
Proof: Construct the scaled triangle A'B'C from ABC as above.
SSS for Similarity
Given triangles ABC and DEF, suppose for some k > 0, |DE|/|AB| = |EF|/|BC| = |FD|/|CA| = k. Then triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF (with scaling ratio k).
Proof: This proof is about the same as the previous one.
AA for Similarity
Given triangles ABC and DEF, suppose angle CAB = angle FDE and angle ABC = angle DEF. Then triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF. (The scaling ratio is the ratio of any pair of corresponding sides, for example k = |DE|/|AB|).
Proof: This proof again is about the same.
Note: The ASA criterion for similarity becomes AA, since when only one ratio of sides = k, there is nothing to check.
HL for Similarity
Given triangles ABC and DEF, suppose angle CAB = angle FDE is a right angle. Then if |EF|/|BC| = |DE|/|AB| = k. Then triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF (with scaling ratio k).
Proof: This proof follows the same outline as the others. Construct right triangle A'B'C and show it is congruent to DEF by HL. Then ABC is similar to DEF. The details are left to the reader.
Important: Similarity Criteria in Birkhoff and Beatley
The book B&B follows a different path from the Math 444 path to get to the same place.
B&B Principle 5 is the same as SAS for similarity above. In B&B it is given as an axiom. In the Math 444 treatment, the axiom is broken into two parts. SAS for congruence is assumed as an axiom. Then SSS, ASA and HL for congruence are proved as theorems.
On this page, the special case of SAS for similarity called the Dilation Axiom is assumed as a new axiom in the Math 444 path.
Also, in the Math 444 path, the following B&B Principles have also been proved previously before the Dilation Axiom.
Principle 7: In a triangle, the angles opposite equal side are equal, and conversely. This was proved on the first day in the theory of the isosceles triangle.
Principle10: The set of points equidistant from the endpoint of a segment is the perpendicular bisector of the segment. This was proved several times in class and in homework.
Principle 11: Through a point not on a line there is one and only one perpendicular to the line. This follows from the theory of kites, and is used to define line reflection.
On the other hand, Principles 9 and 12 cannot be proved without the Dilation Axiom.