Math 487 Lab 1
Math Sciences Computer Lab, CMU B027 (Communications Building)
Materials needed bring this to the lab
- GASP4:
Getting Acquainted with Geometers Sketchpad 4,
Chapter 1, Sections 1.1 1.4. (These notes can be read online or printed
from the Math 444/487 website or purchased as part of the Math 444 packet
from the Copy Center in the basement of CMU.
- GTC: Geometry Through the Circle, pp. 26-34.
(This book is available in the University Book Store.)
- File storage: You will want to save some of your
work from the lab. One option is to bring a Windows-formatted diskette to
the lab. A second option is to use file transfer to copy the files to your
student account on Dante.
Lab Activity
- How to Get Started:
Log into the PC using user name Lab and leaving the password field blank.
The Sketchpad icon is in the Math Applications folder. Start the GSP (Geometers
Sketchpad) program.
- GASP4: Work through the four Sections 1.1 -- 1.4.
- GTC:
- Quickly carry out the experiment "Well-Placed
Circles" on page 26.
- Work through Investigation 2 on page 27. Make some
notes for yourself about the answers to the questions. Note: The way to
Trace a circle in Sketchpad is to select the circle and then choose Trace
Circle from the Display menu. One you have done this, drag the point D and
see the traces of the moving circle. To clear the traces from the screen,
use Erase Traces in the Display menu.
- Work through Investigations 1 and 2 on pp. 30-31 (without
the Explore More). Think about answers to the questions and make some notes
for yourself.
- Carry out Investigation 1 of 3.3, page 33.