These texts should be in the textbook section of the University Book Store (including the software, though the software may have been delayed)
Geometer's Sketchpad 4 Software is available for use in the MSCC computer lab. However, you can purchase Geometer's Sketchpad 4 Student Edition in the University Bookstore if you wish to use the Sketchpad software at home.
B&B: The book Basic Geometry by Birkhoff and Beatley provides a source for the fundamental theorems and proofs (and problems) of Euclidean plane geometry. The treatment in the book is reasonably close to that of the course, but not quite the same. The book will be supplemented by the Class Notes.
Brown: The book Transformational Geometry by Brown explains the geometry of transformations int he plane. Transformations will be woven into the course throughout, so that much of Brown will be used bit by bit during the beginning of the course, with a larger chunk studied intensively in the latter half of the course.
GTC: Geometry through the Circle, by King, will be used as the textbook in the 487 labs in both 444 and 445. The book was written for Version 3 of Sketchpad, so there will be revisions produced during the course to adapt the book for Version 4.
These books will be on reserve in the Mathematics-Statistics Research Library in Padelford.