Monday 12/1
How isometries compose I
Relations from previous labs and assignments
Line reflection R = Rm
- For any P, let P' = Rm (P). Then if P is on m, P = P'; if not,
m is the perpendicular bisector of PP'.
- Rm Rm
= identity. In other words, Rm-1 = Rm.
Composition of two line reflections T = RnRm
- See Lab 2, Assignment 2.7
- S = RmRn is the inverse of T, since ST = (RmRn)(RnRm)
= Rm(RnRn)Rm = RmRm
= identity, by the associative law.
If m and n are parallel, then T is a translation
- The translation vector has length twice the distance from m to n.
- The direction of the vector is from m towards n.
- Specifically, if M is a point on m and M' is the reflection of M in n, then
the translation takes M to M', so the translation vector is MM'.
- The translation S = RmRn is the inverse of T with
translation vector -MM'.
- If p and q are any lines parallel to m and n so that the distance from p
to q equals the distance from m to n and the direction from p to q is the
same as the direction from m to n, then the translation RqRp
= RnRm.
If m and n intersect at a point O, then T is a rotation.
- The angle of rotation is twice the (signed, or
directed) angle from m to n.
- Specifically, if M is a point on m and M' is the reflection of M in n, then
the rotation takes M to M', so the angle is MOM'.
- The rotation S = RmRn is the inverse of T with rotation
angle –MOM'.
- If p and q are any other lines through O so that the (signed, or directed)
angle from p to q equals the angle from m to n, then the rotation RqRp
= RnRm.
Half Turns (Point Reflections) are special rotations
- See Lab 8 and Brown 2.4
- A point reflection HA with center A is rotation by 180 degrees.
Thus HA = RnRm for any perpendicular
lines through A, since if the angle between the lines = 90 degrees, the rotation
angle = 2*90 = 180 degrees.
- If m and n are perpendicular at A, then HA = RmRn
= RnRm . This is true since one rotation
is by angle +2*90 = +180 and the other is by -2*90 = -180. But + and - 180
degrees are the same angle.
- The composition of two point reflections, T = HB HA
is translation by vector 2AB.
- If vector AB = vector CD, then the translation HB HA
= HD HC. Unless the points are collinear, this means
that ABDC is a parallelogram.
- The composition of 3 point reflections, T = HC HB
HA is another half-turn HE .
This is the same as saying HB HA = HC HE,
or ABCE is a parallelogram
Translation Composition
- The composition of two translations is a translation (possibly the identity).
- Translations commute. If S and T are translations, then ST = TS.