Peter Cheng cites his own page
I borrowed a couple of ideas from a couple of pages I found interesting and consolidated them on my own webpage. I found the first site useful because it listed each of the thirteen Archimedean polyhedra and gave a description of the original solid each polyhedra was made from and how to manipulate that solid to obtain an Archimedean polyhedra. The data table, on the second half of this site, was useful because it listed each polyhedra and how many edges, vertices, faces (and how many of each shape) each had. Comparing polyhedra, we see that there are some interesting relationship among the solids. For one, consider the Truncated Cube and the Truncated Octahedron. The Truncated Cube has 36 edges, 24 vertices and so does the Trucated Octahedron. We might infer from this, that there is some relationship between the two shapes.
I would like to build a Truncated Icosahedron (Soccer Ball). It will require 20 hexagonal faces, and 12 pentagonal faces.
Rebekah Randall reviews a pageon MathWorld:
This website offered a slew of various types of information about different kinds of Archimedean polyhedrons. It included visual diagrams as well as formulas and lists of all of the different types of solids which can be made. The site is especially helpful with providing links to more information such as definitions as it describes all of these things and it provides quite a bit of bibliographical information as well. What I did not like about the site is that it was so in-depth and technical that, even though it provided a lot of information and had links for just about everything, it would certainly be confusing and a bit overwhelming if the concepts were completely new to a student. I think having a simpler definition at the top with one or two of the visuals and then presenting the more technical things later on in the web page would have been a better set up and much more clear.
I like the truncated cube the best because it is one of the Archimedean polyhedrons that I can construct in my head without confusion.
Annie Watts reviews
I found this site the most useful of all the ones I looked at because it was the most straightforward. It has a lot of clear pictures and examples of each solid. Under each example it tells what kind of polygons are used to build the solid and how many meet at each vertex. I also like how it divides the Archimedian solids into truncated and non-truncated. Along with this information, this site has pages on other polyhedrons. On the page before this one (the Polyhedral Solids link at the bottom), it has a handy chart as to what defines Platonic solids, Archimedian solids, and other kind of polyhedra.
My favorite Archimedian polyhedron is the truncated octahedron, because it is the only one of the Archimedian polyhedra that can be stacked in space with one another and leave no space between them. This solid is built using hexagons and squares. Each edge of both squares and hexagons are the same length, thus the edges of the solid are all the same length. At each vertex, there are vertices of two hexagons and a square.
Jennifer Brosten reviews
This website was nice because it has the general idea of the Archimedean solids in a rather concise manor though it also offers more in depth information on polyhedras and all of the different Archimedean Polyhedra. The table showing the different Archimedean Polyhedra was well done, because it illustrated the figures while also giving useful information about the vertices, faces and how they meet. The illustrations make it so that you can see the 3D aspect, whereas many sites only show the front without being able to see what is happening at the back of the object as well. The web site does not stop at giving the general information of the different solids. If you click on the names of the solids, you are taken to a new web page which is devoted strictly to that solid.
My favorite Archimedean polyhedra would have to be the Icosidodecahedron. What made me pick this shape was first it's name, because it's kinda fun to try to say. The Icosidodecahedron is made up of 20 triangular faces and 12 pentagon faces. There are a total of 60 edges and 30 vertices. At each vertex, there are 2 triangles and 2 pentagons meeting. They go triangle-pentagon-triangle-pentagon.
This site defines the term "Archimedean solids" after it shows us all thirteen of them. It gives us some history behind the discovery of these shapes. Then it breaks up the Archimedean polyhedra into categories, explaining how each shape is created or what polygons the faces are and how many of each there are. The information gets a bit hard to follow when the site uses notation such as the p's and q's concerning the quasi-regular polyhedra and terms such as "Schlafli," neither of which we've seen before.
My favorite Archimedean polyhedron is the truncated icosahedron. It consists of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. Each vertex has two hexagons and a pentagon. Every pentagon is surrounded by five hexagons. Every hexagon is surrounded by three other hexagons and three pentagons, such that opposite edges of each hexagon is attached to a different shape. The truncated icosahedron is more commonly known as a soccer ball. I love soccer, so that was the natural choice.
Lana Kim reviews:
This site by far for me has been the most helpful and understanding. Besides the music that plays in the background, this site shows the history of the Archimedian polyhedrons how they went from the regular polyghedrons and used "truncation" which literally means to cut-off to create the 13 different Archimedian polyhedrons. Plus, what helped me the most it helped me understand the notation of the polyhedrons. For example, the notation of {3,8,8} for the Truncated Hexahedron means each vertex contains a triangle (3), an octagon (8) and another octagon (8) in cyclic order. (from the website). Overall, it has each of the different polyhedrons on a different link and shows the net (most helpful), an animation of how the polyhedron was truncated and its notation. Overall, this site is really helpful to understand the process to form these polyhedrons. Plus this is also is valuable because there are more links that gives information on the polygons, and the regular polyhedr! ons and more.
My favorite Archimedian polyhedron like Rebecca is by far the truncated icosahedron. To us it's known as our typical soccer ball, but this figure has been used in a wide variety of things especially sports and has been around for years. This polyhedron is notated {5,6,6} (each vertex contains a pentagon, hexagon and hexagon in cyclic order). It is formed by truncating an icosahedron and thus making a pentagon. There are 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons, 90 edges and 60 vertices in this polyhedron. I too love soccer... that is why I chose this polyhedron.
Caitlin Mcnamara reviews
I found this site to be reasonably helpful; I suppose that my only real complaint is the spelling errors scattered throughout the page. The site does a nice job of showing how all the figures will fit into a cube, and it color-coordinates each figure to make it easy to tell how each side was formed (if it was form an edge or vertex cut). The site explains how each figure is formed, and I think that having this explanation juxtaposed with the image is helpful, as it is easy to see what the physical representation of the explanation is. The figures are also ordered by complexity, in terms of number and level of cuts. I think that this progression makes the visualization of the cutting process easier. Additionally, the page provides links to defnintions and other concepts that come up over the course of the explanation of these solids. One serious downfall of this site is that there is no good list of "specs" on the shapes; there is no listing of edges, vertices, etc. for each of the solids.
My favorite is the Snub Cube; I like it in part because of the name, and in part because of the shape. It stands out from the others in that some of the faces are rotated, and that it has left and right-hand orientations (the figure can be made with the squares twisted clockwise and counter clockwise). It has 32 equilateral triangle faces, and six square faces (though the website says eight). It has 60 edges, and 24 vertices.
Anna Lodahl reviews
I know that this website has been chosen already, but i can't find any more that i think are better. I like this site because of how much detail it goes into; we all know the general stuff about this and it is time to look at it a bit more indepth. it is also very clear, and any word besides and or the has a link onto it so one is able to look it up by the click of a mouse if something isn't clear, adding to the background that person might already have. Finally, all of the nets are shown so one is able to see exactly how to make one of these if they didn't have the right tools, for instance, for truncating an object.
My favorite archimedean polyhedra is the great rhombicosidodecahedron, mostly because i like the name, but also because is seems very complicated and is a lot better than the small rhombicosidodecahedron. It is the one with the 10 sided figure surrounded by alternating squares and hexagons. It has 62 faces: 30 squares, 20 hexagons, and 12 decagons, and too many vertices and edges to be worthwhile for visualization. (I can't seem to locate those numbers) It also has an alternate longer name: the rhombitruncated icosidodecahedron.
Clint Chan reviews
If you don't get seasick playing Quake, you might find this interesting to experiment with. This site has some pretty useful links, VRML files containing models of the various Archimedean Polyhedra (which were pretty cool to experiment with - see below), and a link to another page with a good explanation of polyhedron names.
One of the drawbacks to the page is that it doesn't give an explanation (that I could find) of what to do with the .wrl files if your browser fails to load them properly. However, some independent searching turned up the needed info. In order to view the .wrl files, you either need a VRML plugin or a separate program that allows you to view VRML files. The following page detects and lets you know if you have a VRML plugin already installed.
After struggling with some of the plugins, I opted to try one of the standalone executables instead and chose the following one at random:
If you do use this executable and want to maximize the window, be sure to do so before loading the model. Also, once the model is loaded in a maximized window, don't minimize it. You can experiment with the various options in the menus including highlighting vertices, changing the lighting, looking at the tetrahedron that contains the solid, and letting the solid rotate at various speeds automatically.
The screen shot is of the truncated cuboctahedron, sometimes called the great rhombicuboctahedron. The information on the web page indicates that each vertex of the great rhombicuboctahedron is the vertex of a square, hexagon, and octagon. The faces consist of 12 squares, 8 hexagons, and 6 octagons. As long as I haven't missed anything, there are 12*4=8*6=6*8=48 vertices and (6*8 + 8*3) = 72 edges (8 edges for each of the 6 octagons, 8 other edges each along the bottom, middle, and top - if an octagon is at the bottom - that border a square and hexagon).
Ethan Bench reviews
I found this site to be particularly attractive from both an asthetic perspective and a content perspective. The site lists each archimedean solid and the 5 platonic solids with a description of each. The real beauty though is the fact that this site has java models for each solid that are rotateable, and can be viewed as either solid or wireframe. The site also gives a description of the generating triangles for each.
One drawback I found was a typo in the number of faces in my favorite solid. It lists 122 faces instead of 62 for the Rhombitruncated Icosidodecahedron. This figure is my favorite becasue it has decagons as one of the shapes of the faces, which is an shape that is not used much in normal geometry (in my opinion). To construct this, arrange squares and hexagons in an alternating pattern around a decagon, all shapes having the same edge length. Continue until this pattern shows up around 12 decagons.
M.D. Johnson reviews
This is a nice little site for those who are tired of looking at computer-generated archimedean solids. They have built and photographed 13 wooden models, which are quite pleasing to look at. A link will take you to a close-up of each of model, and gives information on the number of faces, edges, and vertices, how many of each polygon are included, and how the archimedean solid is formed. A downfall with this site is that it is difficult to visualize how one would go about constructing the solid.
My favorite archimedean solid is the icosidodecahedron. It is quasiregular because it consists of just two polygons (triangle & pentagon), each of which is completely surrounded by the other shape. i.e. connected to the edges of each triangle are pentagons and vice versa. It consists of 20 triangles and 12 pentagons. It has 32 faces, 60 edges, 30 vertices, and is quite beautiful. The icosidodecahedron can be constructed by joining the edge-centers of an icosahedron.
Jason Gadek reviews
This is a website from the Univ. of Wisc.-Green Bay. The site itself is very simple, which would make it an excellent tool if one were trying to explain the Archimedean polyhedra to a person who does not have a lot of experience in the area of geometry. I like the way it is all organized, with the figures grouped by geometric similarities, as well as by truncations. The tilings provided give a different perspective than the 3-D models that we normally see, and really are pleasing to the eye. Though the amount of information as far as explanations go is not much, it is enough to help someone understand enough about the figures, and feel like they know what they are and how they are created.
My favorite is the Great Rhombicuboctahedron. I like the way the squares and the hexagons fit around the large octagons, which is especially attractive if you view the tiling of it at the bottom of the page. The vertices are arranged in the 4-6-2n pattern, as also noted on the site, with the edges all being the length of the sides of the octagon. You can see how one more n in the pattern, which would make the Great Rhombicosidodecahedron, makes the shape even more attractive, with it almost becoming spherical.
Karen Duncan reviews
I found this website fun and different from the usual, as the shapes are represented with origami. In my opinion this adds the dimension of beauty to these already fascinating shapes. The website is very straightforward, and offers information about each of the shapes in an easy to find, easy to understand way. Ms. K. also includes two excellent links to other websites concerning polyhedra, well worth the time it takes to check them out. The one thing I missed on this website was the interactive ability to rotate the shapes.
My favorite Archimedean polyhedron is the cubeoctahedron. It has 14 faces, 12 vertices, and 24 edges. It is made of 8 triangles and 6 squares, and it's one I can visualize more easily than most of the other Archimedean polyhedra.
Joel Adriance reviews
Heres an interesting webpage for you . . .
What I found most interesting about this page was the amount and type of information contained about each polyhedron. For example, this webpage not only contained the number of faces, edges, vertices, etc... but, the page also contains the dihedral angles, volumes and surface areas (given edge lengths of 1 unit). Unfortunately, some of the information was a bit overkill because the site also had ratios of just about every possible characteristic of the polyhedra that one could measure. Some examples of these ratios are the relationship between the edge length and circumradius, and the ratio of the circumsphere to the insphere. Although, I'm sure these have some possible application, I found some of the info excessive.
Now, about my favorite archimedean polyhedron . . .that would be the rhombicosidodecahedron. This polyhedron has a total of 62 faces, which include 20 triangles, 30 squares, and 12 pentagons. It has 120 edges and 60 vertices. Each vertex is made up of a pentagon vertex, two different square vertices, and a triangle vertex. SO, going around the vertex you would see a pentagon corner, a square corner, a triangle corner, a different square corner, and then the pentagon you started with.
Shawn Ingraham reviews
Here is the website that I found.
I liked this site because it starts out by explaining what is ment by an Arhcimedean solid and it lets us know how many there are. The site then tells us which figures the Archimedean solids can be inscribed in. But, by far the most helpful part of the site is that it gives us a table describing each of the Archimedean solids. The table tells us the number of faces, edges, and vertices. It also tells us how many shapes come together to form the vertices as well as the number of each type of shape required to construct the solid. The one draw back though is that the site doesn't allow us to explore each shape individually. We aren't allowed to rotate or explore the shapes in any fashion.
My favorite solid is the trunctuated tetrahedron. It is constructed out of hexagons and triangles. There are 4 triangles and 4 hexagons in the solid. The solid has 12 vertices, and 18 edges. It is built by starting with a hexagon and then attaching triangles and hexagons in alternating fashion to the edges. The reason that i like this figure is that it is simple. Your eyes don't get distracted or lost in a maze of figures.
Joshua Cho reviews
I, too must reference already mentioned site at Mathworld. I looked at other internet sites with comparable information. This site offers formulas, tables, figures, and, most importantly, links to more detailed explanations of introduced term within the site. The completeness with which the site builder approached the subject really satisfies the inquiring mind. Though it take much effort and time to fully understand the given materials, and attempt to look up wonderful lists of referenced materials at the bottom, this site leaves few questions unanswered. One draw back about the site is that it is more theoretical than practical. So if one seeks to receive some assistance with Professor King's homework problems, one should look elsewhere.
I like truncated cube. The figure gives a solid presence, in its regularity and harmony of equilaterial trianges, squares, and regular octogons. This figure, among the more realistic shapes seen in a daily life, seems gentle with less poiny cornes, but a giant with its solidness. A "Gentle-Giant".
Juan Gabriel Martinez reviews
This is the website I chose. It is a very simple website that is lacking much of the information about Archimedean Polyhedra. An important thing that I would like to see added to the website is a table that lists the number of faces, edges, and vertices of the different polyhedra. A positive quality about this website is the use of drawings and photos of constructions to describe the various polyhedra. The most original thing about this website is that it maps out the formation of different Archimedean Polyhedra by the progressive slicing of points. For instance one of the more simple mappings shows how the slicing of the points of a cube will eventually give you an octahedron.
My favorite Archimedean Polyhedra is the cuboctahedron. First off it has 14 faces, 8 of which are equilateral triangles and the other 6 are squares. It has 24 edges including 12 vertices. At each VERTEX the four faces of a square, triangle, square, and a triangle meet. Hopefully this is a good enough description so that everyone can pick it out of a lineup.
Laura D. Olson reviews This web-site had very clear pictures of the Archimedean Polyhedra along with clear pictures on which cuts should be made to the regular polyhedra in order to get them. The site was lacking written descriptions,however, and lacking general information about the Archimedean Polyhedra.
So to compensate for this, I found the following site:
This site discusses more about what the Archimedean Polyhedra are, and how many faces, edges, the number of vertices each of them have, and what polygons are included in each one.
My favorite Achimedean polyhedron is the Truncated Icosidodecahedron, also called the Great Rhombicosi-dodecahedron. This polyhedron has 120 vertices, and 180 edges. It's faces are composed of 30 squares, 20 hexagons, and and 12 decagons. Each decagon is surrounded by 5 squares, and 5 hexagons.
Bennett Bottorff reviews
This website is link from Mathworld, the mathematical website there is. The site, in detail, goes over exactly what an Archimedean solid is and explains many different ways to obtain them. The site also offers a 3-D model of each solid as well as the net and give a picture of all of the different sides. Also, this site enable you to change the view at which you look at the 3-D models, very cool. The only draw back I can think of is that it is not the most user friendly website. All and All I found the site is knowledgeable on the topic of Archimedean Polyhedrons.
My favorite Achimedean Polyhedron:Truncated Tetrahedron Vertices:12 edges:18 faces:8
The reason why I like this model so much is because it is different form all the other ones.
Natasha Nichols reviews
This site has many visual examples of not only the Archimedean polyhedra but also the Platonic solids and semi-regular solids. The author of the website explains how you can get several of the afore mentioned solids from truncating a cube. Color coding is used to facilitate the reader in constructing any of the given shapes. However, one thing that would be very useful and is missing from this site are mathematical explanations of the ratios and lengths of the solids.
Even though all Archimedean polyhedra can be fascinating to work with, my favorite would have to be the snub cube. The snub cube, also called the cubus simus (according to the website I would have picked, had I done the assignment earlier, or snub cuboctahedron, has 38 faces (32 triangular and 6 square), 60 edges, and 24 vertices. The interesting thing about this cube is that it has a left handed and a right handed version (object is identical except for the mirror reflection). In one version the square faces are twisted clockwise, in the other they are twisted counter-clockwise. If one were to construct a snub cube they can use the author's color coding and see that of the 32 triangular faces, the 8 red ones are the result of truncating the cube vertices and the 24 yellow ones are the result of truncating the 12 cube edges twice at different angles.
Cassie Wesson reviews
and also
Alright, the first website I chose because, even though it is about regualr polygons, he does talk about figures that are also archimedean polyhedra. Man and does this guy know his stuff. The website gives a history of polyhedra and how additional ones were created after Plato made his. The site is informative in giving pictures and descriptions that are easy to follow. He also writes about the duality and symmetry that polyhedra have. I also chose a second website because one, it was made by a UW student so got to give some support, but also that I am a very visual learner. The website has a bunch of templates that one can print out in order to make models. When doing homework I have found that having the models helps in understanding what I am looking for.
The one I chose as a keeper archimedean polyhedra is the rhombicuboctahedron with its 24 vertices, 38 faces and 60 edges. Its made up of squares and triangles.
Mary Moser reviews
I was able to find the above website and saw that it had all the basic information presented clearly as well as some interesting history. I really appreciated that throughout the sight vocab words are linked to further definitions and explenations. There is a lot of potential in this sight unfortunately it seems the pages that are supposed to provide images of the polyhedra are not working, (at least I was unable to view them). Also I would like to see descriptions relating them to the platonic solids (essentially how we get the Archimedean polyhedron by truncating the platonic polyhedron).
I think a good example of the pictures and information my initial sight is missing can be found at I especially liked the animation showing the truncations for some of the polyhedra.
While each of the polyhedra we are discussing is really interesting and fun to explore, the assignment is to choose one favorite so I choose truncated cuboctahedron. It has 26 faces (12 squares, 8 hexagons and 6 octagons), 72 edges, and 48 vertices.
Katie Jenks reviews
This website has information about all 13 of the Archimedian Solids. Each page for each solid gives several ways of viewing the solid, including the generating triangle, a large view, and a rotatable model that makes it easy to see the solid from all sides. The site also has the number of faces, vertices, and edges for each solid. Possibly the best part is the downloadable sound file that tells you how to pronouce the name!
My favorite Archimedian solid is the snub dodecahedron. I like the symmetry produced with the equilateral triangles and regular pentagons. The symmtry is pretty!
Stephanie Watanabe reviews I thought this site was interesting. I like that it has organized the polyhedra into a chart. I find that charts are more helpful to me. Also, the description of archimedian polyhedra was clear, or clearer than I found on other sites. However, the explanations of some things, such as truncation and analogues in more than three dimensions, were a little confusing. Overall, I would recommend this site, mostly because I feel it gives concise information and I really like charts alot.
My favorite Archimedian polyhedron is the rhombicuboctahedron with 24 vertices, 26 faces, and 48 edges. It's composed of 18 squares, 8 triangles where 3 squares and 1 triangle meet at each vertex. (all this information is found on the website listed above).
Jerry Fugami reviews
This is a very visual site for Archimedean solids which can get very involved (Kepler-Poinsot solids):
I liked this site because that is was so visual in a very systematic way: starting from the very basic 5 Platonic solids; then going to the 13 Archimdean solids; and then showing 80 Universal polyhedra which included the previous models. Each individual model gives detailed information about it when you select it. I wish that the site would allow the user to interactively manipulate the objects like some of the other sites, and a table comparing all of the solids would also be useful. Visually speaking I did not find a better site which showed the solids all in one page so effectively. From "The Phantom Tollbooth," Milo would have loved it!
My favorite Archimedean ployhedra is the truncated dodecahedron with its 60 vertices, 90 edges, and 32 faces. Milo would have found this more that 3 times as useful as the Dodecahedron which lead him from the Island of Confusion to the Mathemagicican.
J. Jarvis reviews
This site I found to be useful and interesting. It is a website that a professor from the Univerisity of Wisconsin put together. There are many useful links and pages in addition to what is mentioned on archimedean polyhedra. Colorful pictures of the polyhedra helped show the different shapes of which they are comprised. However, the site did not offer the most detailed definition. Though, of interest at least to myself, it did give some information on what truncation is and how to truncate a tetrahedron. Also, partial nets were shown of a few of the polyhedra. From the way it sounds from other students, there seem to be a lot better sites out there.
I would have to say that my personal favorite is the truncated cube. It is simple and looks like a die that has had its corners filed down a bit. For cheating, no doubt. I bet I could win at the craps tables...So, anyway, there are 14 faces, six octagons and eight triangles. To recongnize it, you could think of a cube that has each corner replaced by an equilateral triangle. So now the faces that were square are now octagons.
Steven P. Foster reviews
This is a great site. It lists the five Platonic Solids and describes what they are made up of. For example, the tetrahedron is made up of 3 triangles, has 4 faces, 4 vertices, and 6 edges. The site also lists the 13 Archimedean Solids. Unfortunately, the information about these solids is simply a link to the mathworld.wolfram site which has already been reviewed by a few people. The mathworld site is great though, with ample information about the names and numbers of vertices, edges, and faces of each Archimedean figure. The 3D, rotatable models are cool, and the fact that they are shaded differently on all sides makes it easier to understand them. A drawback is that the site has a lot of technical information that is unneeded by the casual visitor.
My favorite shape is the truncated icosahedron. I just want to kick it! It is made up of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons, with each hexagon adjacent to five hexagons, giving it 60 vertices, 90 edges, and 32 faces.
J. King reviews
This is the Web of Will Webber, a mathematician from the UW who now teachers at Whatcom CC, so it is a local resource. The link to NMWI will take you to a lot of resources for polyhedra, including pages of polygons to print and cut for pieces and a nice two-page explanation of the names of Archimedian polyhedra. By the way, the cryptic NWMI acronym refers to an organization at this page, that also has an interesting polyhedral photo.
Also, if you click on the Star link, there are photos of an amazing holiday stellated icosahedron, including construction stages (this is plywood and metal, not straightedge and compass).