The four reflections are
Part 1 - the answer is given
Part 2 - P'' = R2R1(x, y) = R2(2a1 - x, y)
= (2a2 - (2a1 - x), y) = (x + 2(a2 - a1), y) = (x, y) + (2(a2 - a1), 0)
This is a translation by vector (2(a2 - a1), 0), so the direction of the translation is perpendicular to the lines and twice the distance between then, in the direction from k1 towards k2.
Part 3 - P''' = R3R2R1(P) = R3(P'') = R3(x + 2(a2 - a1), y) = (2a3 - (x + 2(a2 - a1)), y)
= (2(a3 - a2 + a1) - x, y)
This is line reflection in a line m parallel to the 3 lines, with equation x = c, where c = a3 - a2 + a1
Part 4 - P'''' = R4 R3R2R1(P) = R4 (P''') = (2a4 - (2(a3 - a2 + a1) - x), y)
= (x + 2(a4 - a3) + 2(a2 - a1), y) = (x, y) + (2(a2 - a1), 0) + (2(a4 - a3), 0)
Let m = line AB. See figure below.
Part I:
(a) T is a line reflection.
(b) The mirror line t of T is the line through A obtained by rotating line m by -45/2 degrees. So the angle from t to m = 45/2 degrees.
Reason: R can be written as RmRt, so T = MR = RmRmRt,= Rt.
Part II:
(a) U is a glide reflection.
(b) If K is the foot of the perpendicular from C to m, the invariant line of U is the line g through K that is parallel to the line t of part I. The glide vector = K'K, where K is the reflection of K in line n1. See the figure for details.
There are several ways to figure this out. They will be discussed on a separate page.
The centers called for in the question form a rhombus ADEC, with perpendicular diagonals intersecting at B. The angles of the rhombus at A and E are 60 degrees and the angles at D and C are 120 degrees. Thus triangle ADB is a right triangle with angles 30-60-90 degrees.
To see this, use the method of Brown 2.4. For example, the table below has rotated the figure to match up with the figure in Brown. RS = A60 B180 = C240 |
SR = B180 A60 = D240 |
S(RS) = B180 C240 = E 60 This looks a bit trickier. The line through C must make an angle of -60 degrees or +120 degrees with CB. Angle BCE does equal -60 degrees. If you prefer to work with + 120 degrees, then draw that ray but extend to a whole line and the line is the same as CE, so the intersection is the same.
There are a couple of ways to approach this. One is step by step. Start with 2 centers of rotation and form new centers as products as in the previous problem. Then use the new set of centers to keep building out new centers. All triangles are 45-90-45 triangles, so the geometry is simple.
A second method supplements the first by using symmetry to make it faster. If A is a 90 degree rotation center, then all the other centers you know can be rotated by 90 degrees to get new centers. (But be careful; this method alone will not pick up all new centers.
The third method is to realize that the pattern of centers is the p4 pattern we studied in lab. So use that. Match up what you know and fill in from knowing the p4 pattern.
Let AB = 1 |
Step by Step |
p4 knowledge |
Look for vertices X of isosceles right triangle ACX with right angle at C. Get X = O or K. Then look for vertices for OCY, get new Y = M and old one A. Also, for KCZ, get M. Note in all these triangles the distance between 90-degree centers = 2 (exactly). There are no points at distance 2 from A besides K, M, O. |
We know that C is the center of a square with vertices being 90-degree centers. Since A is one vertex, K, M, O are the others. Same reasoning |AK| = 2 means no more such centers. |
Look for vertices X of isosceles right triangles RSX with 90-degree centers forming the hypotenuse RS. The only new ones are AOE, AKI. |
Since the 90-degree centers form a tessellation by squares with 180-degree centers at the centers of the squares, look at squares with sides AB and AO to get E, I and C. |
Translations are given by composing halfturns. Don't forget there is a halfturn centered at the 90-degree centers (since 90 + 90 = 180). Starting at A, look at all the other centers and translate. A180 C180 (A) = M A180 E180 (A), etc. are all "off-screen." |
The translation vectors in p4 are all vectors between centers of the squares, the 180 centers. These translate square vertices (90-degree centers) to opposite vertices and not adjacent vertices. A by one of the products. |
There are no glide reflections that are products of these rotations. |
Ditto. |
Segments AB and CD plotted on graph paper.