This Assignment 1B is not supposed to be very new
or very hard. It is
kind of a summary of some main results we have proved so far. But this
familiarity actually does make it a bit confusing. So here is some
Problem 1.3: You can use anything we proved Monday (Axioms 1-5 and
Isosceles Triangle Properties). This could make at least one of the two
proofs very short. The point of this problem will be to lead into a
discussion of an "if and only if" theorem and a "locus theorem".
So there
is a good reason for including 1.3 in this assignment.
Problem 1.4: We worked through one of these proofs in class on Wednesday.
There is some overlap with this and the work I did not collect on
Wednesday morning.
In this case, I would like to see how you write these up,
using what was proved on Monday (Axioms + Isosceles Properties) and
also on 1.3. But in this case, do not use what was proved on Wed, since
this is the same stuff.
NOTE; On Monday I linked to Week 1 on the web site a full discussion
the theorem about Isosceles
Properties. You are encouraged to use this as
well as your own notes and the relevant parts of B&B.