Read all of Chapter 5 except for 5.4. You will need 5.5 to do the problems.
Be sure you can explain why the main theorems are true.
5.1 Answer the ratio questions on the Trapezoid handout (given out Friday).
5.2 Do BG 5.1 - numerical examples of angles and lengths in circles.
5.3 BG 5.7 - Length of a tangent from a point at distance d.
5.4 BG 5.9 - Parallel chords in a circle
5.5 BG 5.12 - Parallel tangents and a tangent transversal
5.6 Construct the set in BG 5.16, set of points making an angle of 45 degrees with A and B.
Also, email us any questions you want answered on Wed, in class or lab.