Math 444 Assignments
For Monday, 10/29
Read to the end of B&B, Chapter 3 (Pythagorean theorem and consequences.) Be able to prove the Pythagorean theorem and also the angle sum theorem for triangles.
Read B&B, Chapter 4. Much is review.
Assignment to turn in:
Write proofs for problems 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Note. We have proved some of these before with different tools. As an exercise, in these proofs you should use just that which has been proved up to page 113 in B&B. Also, be sure to use the “official definition” of parallelogram on page 113 and start from that. In proving the results, you can use anything you have proved before (if you want to rearrange, that is OK).
Wednesday 10/31 Computer Lab will include sections from GTC, Chapter 5. Bring your book.