Math 444 Lab 9: Symmetry
The first hour of the lab will be devoted to this Sketchpad lab. You will likely have work left to do later. The second part will be an introduction to Kaleidomania.
Part A. Dihedral symmetry
You have explored double line reflection in other labs and seen how repeated reflections can form a symmetric pattern. In this section we will experiment just a bit more with more attention to the angle between mirrors.
Experiment 1. Mirrors at 30 degrees.
In a new sketch, draw a line AB and then construct a new point B' by rotating B with center A by angle 30 degrees. Let m = line AB and n = line AB'. Let M = reflection in m and N = reflection in n.
Form a shape S (a blob) and reflect this shape over lines m and n to form M(S) NM(S), MNM(S), NMNM(S), etc. and also N(S), MN(S), NMN(S), etc., until no new shapes appear. Count the shapes. Also, reflect lines m and n in the same way to get new lines. Notice that these are lines of symmetry of the figure.
Tell what dihedral group is the symmetry group of this pattern (your answer should be D_n, where n is the number of mirror lines.). How is n related to the angle 30 degrees?
Experiment 2. Mirrors at 40 degrees. (Kaleidoscope of Jenica and Christi)
Repeat the same experiment with a new angle.
In a new sketch, draw a line AB and then construct a new point B' by rotating B with center A by angle 40 degrees. Let m = line AB and n = line AB'. Let M = reflection in m and N = reflection in n.
Form a shape S (a blob) and reflect this shape over lines m and n to form M(S) NM(S), MNM(S), NMNM(S), etc. and also N(S), MN(S), NMN(S), etc., until no new shapes appear. Do the shapes "match up" when you go around one time as they did in Experiment 1?
Count the shapes. Also, reflect lines m and n in the same way to get new lines. Notice that these are lines of symmetry of the figure.
Tell what dihedral group is the symmetry group of this pattern (your answer should be D_n, where n is the number of mirror lines.). Explain how n is related to the angle 40 degrees?
Hint for Explanation. The isometry NM is a rotation with center A, so it is A_t, a rotation by t degrees. Then each of the powers (NM)^k are also rotations. Make a table of these rotations for k = 1, 2, 3, … until you get the identity. Explain how you can figure out the number of rotations needed. Now for each rotation in the list, M(NM)^k is a line reflection. How many line reflections are there and how many rotations in the symmetry group?
Part B. An example of wallpaper groups and symmetric patterns over the whole plane.
The first part of this exercise will be to create some examples of repeating symmetric patterns from an original square "tile". The second part will be an analysis of the symmetries of each pattern.
Constructing the Tile
In a new sketch, construct this pattern by constructing a square and shading in the triangle with vertices at C, D and the midpoint of BC. Save this sketch. You will use it as the basis of several experiments.
Pattern 0. Translations
In a new sketch, copy the figure from above and paste into the new sketch. Now mark segment AB as vector and translate the whole figure. Select the two shaded interiors (no points or segments!) and Define Transform with name T_AB.
Now mark segment BC as vector and translate point A to get a new A'. Select A and A' and Define Transform as T_BC. The two custom transforms are in the Transform menu and can be selected using Control-1 and Control-2.
Analysis of Pattern 0
You can do this on the screen or by printing it out, but BE SURE TO CHOOSE "Scale to Fit Page" if you do this. Assume the pattern is continued "to infinity".
Pattern 1. All sides as mirrors
In a new sketch, copy the figure from above and paste into the new sketch. Now mark segment AB as mirror and reflect the whole figure. Select the two shaded interiors (no points or segments!) and Define Transform with name R_AB.
Now mark segment BC as mirror and reflect point A to get a new A'. Select A and A' and Define Transform as R_BC. Continue in the same way naming reflection across side CD and side DA so that the four custom transforms are in the Transform menu and can be selected using Control-1 through Control-4.
Analysis of Pattern 1
You can do this on the screen or by printing it out, but BE SURE TO CHOOSE "Scale to Fit Page" if you do this. Assume the pattern is continued "to infinity".
Pattern 2. Two corners at centers of rotation.
In a new sketch, copy the figure from above and paste into the new sketch. Now mark A as center and rotate the whole figure by 90 degrees. Select the two shaded interiors (no points or segments!) and Define Transform with name A90.
Now mark B as center and rotate point A by 90 degrees to get a new A'. Select A and A' and Define Transform as B90.
Now you can transform using A90 and B90 using Control-1 and Control 2.
Analysis of Pattern 2
You can do this on the screen or by printing it out, but BE SURE TO CHOOSE "Scale to Fit Page" if you do this. Assume the pattern is continued "to infinity".
Pattern 3. A corner rotation and a mirror
In a new sketch, copy the figure from above and paste into the new sketch. Now mark A as center and rotate the whole figure by 90 degrees. Select the two shaded interiors (no points or segments!) and Define Transform with name A90.
Now mark segment BC as mirror and reflect point A to get a new A'. Select A and A' and Define Transform as R_BC.
Now you can transform using A90 and R_BC using Control-1 and Control 2.
Analysis of Pattern 3
You can do this on the screen or by printing it out, but BE SURE TO CHOOSE "Scale to Fit Page" if you do this. Assume the pattern is continued "to infinity".
More Patterns
There are more ways to fill the plane with this square pattern, though some may turn out to be the same old ones in disguise. Here are some suggestions.