Reading: Read Section 4.1 for 11/22
Written Assignment 7 (Due Wed 11/22) is in TWO PARTS
Turn it in as two assignments stapled separately
In 7.1 and 7.2 you will be given or will choose a matrix denoted A or B etc.
Also, you will be given a
vector X. The numerical experiment is to compute a sequence of ten vectors
(with a calculator or software, not
by hand!). Suppose your matrix is denoted by A and your vector by X:
As results to report, write down your A and a table of the vectors you computed.
Study the vectors and see whether you can guess what A_100 might be.
Now look for patterns. Can you see a relationship between X_10 and Y_10 that
might become more
pronounced if you computed a longer sequence?
Write a few sentences reporting what you observe and any conjectures you may wish to make.
Do the experiment with matrix A, where A is the matrix with first column [.8
.2]^T and second
column [.2 .8]^T.
Do it again with matrix B with columns [.9 .1]^T and [.8 .2]^T and X = [4 5]^T.
So after both 7.1 and 7.2 you will have 4 tables of data.