Project Assignment Due Monday, December 3.
You can choose your own topic or use one of the prefabricated projects at the link below. The project should include.
The project should be word-processed and printed on paper, but extra credit if you submit a digital version (e.g., Word doc, web pages, pdf file) as well.
Answers to questions
The Link
Check this link for ideas and some project outlines that you can follow..
Homework to do before class Monday, 11/26 (not to be collected)
These questions will not be collected.
Assignment #6 Due Wednesday 11/28 (to be turned in and graded)
12, 14, 18
16, 18
6 (use the factorization, don't just pop it into a calculator)
Homework to do before class Wednesday, 11/28 (not to be collected)
Answer 1
Homework to do before class Friday, 11/30 (not to be collected)
Answer 3, 5, 9, 11