Review for the Second Midterm
Midterm II covers sections 6.1- 6.5, 6.7, 7.1. This is NOT a substitution for reviewing your notes, homework and quizzes that you took, but rather a complementary hand-out to help you organize the material that we covered.
- dot product in Rn : two descriptions
- orthogonal basis
- orthonormal set
- orthonormal basis
- orthogonal projection
- orthogonal complement
- orthogonal matrix
- least-squares solution of a linear system
- inner product
- inner product space
- length, distance, orthogonality in an inner product space
- symmetric matrix
- Gram-Schmidt process
- QR factorization
- best approximation in inner product spaces
- Theorem 2 (Pythagorean thereom) (p. 380) with proof
- Theorem 3 (p. 381)
- Theorem 4 (p. 384), with proof
- Thereom 5 (p. 385), with proof
- Theorem 6 (p. 390)
- Theorem 8 (Orthogonal Decomposition theorem) (p. 395) with proof
- Theorem 9 (The Best Approximation theorem) (p. 398)
- Theorem 10 (p. 399)
- Theorem 11 (The Gram-Schmidt process)
- Theorem
13 (
- Theorem 16 (CS inequality) with proof
- Theorem 17 (Triangle inequality) with proof
Skills: you should be able to
- Compute
orthogonal projection
- Find an orthogonal (or orthonormal) basis of a given vector space (i.e. perform Gram-Schmitd process)
- Compute QR factorization
- Find best approximation to a vector in a given vectors subspace
- Find least squares solutions, compute errors
- Diagonalize symmetric matrices
- Construct a (symmetric) matrix with given eigenvalues and eigenvector