Fall 2004

MUWF 13-13:50, Deady Hall 106


Instructor:         Julia Pevtsova

Office hours:     M 2:30-3:30, T 12-12:50, F 11-11:50 or by appointment

Office:              B10, Deady Hall          


Class page:

Textbook:         Elementary differential equations, 8th edition, by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima.


Course material.   Applications of calculus and linear algebra to the solution of ordinary differential equations.  First order differential equations, linear differential equations of higher order and systems of first order linear differential equations.

Prerequisites: Calculus sequence (251-3 or equivalent) is required. Some knowledge of linear algebra, such as matrix multiplication, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, will be helpful in the last part of the course.


Discussion section (quiz section). Discussion section (Tuesday) will consist of discussing homework and of 15 minute quizzes, which will be given every other week starting with the second week of classes. More specifically, there will be quizzes on October 5th, 19th, November 16th, and December 1st. Active participation in discussion is greatly encouraged and kindly appreciated. Extra (bonus) points will be given for volunteering to work out homework problems on the blackboard. They will accumulate towards your total quiz score.


Homework.   Homework assignments will be collected each Wednesday before class, except for the first week of classes, and returned during Tuesday discussion section the following week. Late homework will NOT be accepted! If you cannot make it to class that day, try to arrange for someone else to hand in your homework. It is vital to do the homework to do well in class. You are encouraged to cooperate with other people when doing your homework, or have group studies. At the same time, the homework that you hand in must be done and completely understood by you. To encourage you to do so quizzes will be based heavily on homework material.


Exams.  There will be one midterm exam on Tuesday, November 2nd. The Final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7th, 3:15pm. No notes, books, or calculators may be used during exams and quizzes.


Make-up. No make-up for quizzes. Make-up for the midterm may be given in case of illness or other extraordinary documented circumstances. Note that make-up will be scheduled during regular class-time and will definitely be harder than the original exam.


Grades.  The lowest quiz score will be dropped.

Homework                                                                =  10%

Quizzes                                                                     =   20%              

Midterm                                                                    =   30%

Final                                                                          =   40%

Active participation in discussion section                     =   extra credit towards the total quiz score



Schedule. This is a tentative weekly course outline which is subject to change over the quarter.


Week 1, 9/27-10/1

2.1 - 2.3

Week 2, 10/4-10/8

2.4, 2.5


No class Friday, Oct. 8

Week 3, 10/11-10/15

2.5, 2.7

Week 4, 10/18-10/22

2.7, 3.1, 3.2


Week 5, 10/25-10/29

3.2 - 3.4

Week 6, 11/1-11/5

Review for the midterm;


3.5, 3.6

Week 7, 11/8-11/12 (*last day to withdraw)

4.1, 4.2

Week 6, 11/15-11/19

4.3, 3.5, 3.7


Week 9, 11/22-11/23


4.4, 5.1

Lecture on Tuesday, Nov. 23: no discussion

No class Wednesday, Nov. 24

Week 10, 11/29-12/3

5.2, 5.3



12/7, 3:15am







