Fall 2003

MUWF 2-2:50, McKenzie Hall 121


Instructor:         Julia Pevtsova

Office hours:     M 11:30-12:00pm, 3:00-3:30pm; W 11-12pm, 1-2pm

Office:              B3, Deady Hall


Class page:

Required text:   Early Transcendentals  Single Variable Calculus,  5th edition, by James Stewart


Course material.   The purpose of this course is to introduce fundamental notions of calculus, such as limits, differentials and derivatives, develop basic differentiation skills, and learn how to use them in applications.  Prerequisite for the course is MATH 112 or satisfactory placement score.


Discussion section (quiz section).    Discussion section (Tuesday) will consist of discussing homework and of 10-15 minute quizzes, which will be given every other week starting with the second week of classes. More specifically, there will be quizzes on October 7th, 21st, November 4th, and 18th. Active participation in discussion is highly recommended. Extra (bonus) points will be given for volunteering to work out homework problems on the blackboard. They will accumulate towards your total quiz score.


Homework.  Homework will be collected each Wednesday before class except for the first week of classes and returned on Tuesday discussion section the following week. Late homework will NOT be accepted. If you cannot make it to class that day, try to arrange for someone to hand in your homework on time.


Exams.  Two 50 minute exams (midterms) will be given on October 28th and November 25th.  Final exam is on Thursday, December 11, 3:15pm. No notes, books, or calculators may be used during exams and quizzes.


Make-up. No make-up for final or quizzes. Make-up for midterms may be given in case of illness or other extraordinary circumstances. Note that make-ups will be scheduled during regular class-time and will definitely be harder than the original exam.


Grades.  The lowest quiz score will be dropped.

Homework                                                                =   10%

Quizzes                                                                     =   10%              

Midterm                                                                    =   20% each

Final                                                                          =   40%

Active participation in discussion section                     =   extra credit towards the total quiz score



Schedule. This is a tentative weekly course outline which is subject to change over the quarter.



Basic concepts

1. Week of Sept. 29.    Review of pre-calculus. Graphs and functions. 1.1-1.6.

Limits. 2.1-2.4.

2. Week of Oct. 6.       Limits and continuity. 2.4-2.7;


3. Week of Oct. 13.     Derivatives: definitions and basic rules. 2.8, 2.9, 3.1, 3.2


Differentiation: further techniques

4. Week of Oct. 20.     Trigonometric functions 3.3, 3.4;

Chain rule 3.5;


5. Week of Oct. 27.     Review for the first midterm; Midterm;

Implicit differentiation 3.6, 3.7

6. Week of Nov. 3.      3.8, 3.10, 3.11;



Use of differentiation in applications and curve sketching

7. Week of Nov. 10.    Maxima and minima, mean value theorem, first derivative test. 4.1-4.3

8. Week of Nov. 17.    Simple curve sketching. Second derivative test. 4.4 - 4.6


9. Week of Nov. 24.    Review for the second midterm.


10. Week of Nov. 31.  Further applications, 4.7, 4.8.
