Final info


·        Date, time and location:  Dec. 9, 1:30-4:20pm, Kane Hall, Room 210 (Section C), 220 (Section D)

·        Know your Quiz Section number; your TA’s name and your Professor’s name

·        Bring a Picture ID

·        Arrive early but do not enter the exam room until you are invited to do so

·        You will be seated by your TA section and last name.   You will be asked to sign a seating chart.

·        You may have one two-sided sheet of notes

·        See Midterm I info for the general policy on calculators and academic honesty





·        Midterm I material: Taylor Notes, 12.1-12.4

Practice: Practice Midterm I (Solutions), Midterm I (Solutions),  126A&B Midterm I (Solutions)

·        Midterm II material: 12.5, 12.6, 10.1-10.3,  13.1-13.4, 14.1, 14.3, 14.4(tangent planes only)

Practice: Sample Midterm I, II (Solutions I, II). Midterm II  (Solutions).  126A&B Midterm II (Solutions)

·        After Midterm II material: 14.4, 14.7, 15.1-15.5

Practice: Sample problems and Answers

·        Sample (old) finals: Spring and Winter 2006 (recommended, to be discussed at the review sessions). Answers to Spring 2006 Final


·        And  ALSO 

-         More sample exams (See Math126 Old Exams link). Cautions on two old finals: Problem 3 on the Autumn 2005 should ask

for the parametric equations (plural) of the line. On the Spring 2005 final, Problem 2 should be ignored (on a topic we skipped),
and in Problem 6, "Maclaurin series" means Taylor series centered at b = 0.

-         Quizzes (all quizzes and solutions are posted  under Course Materials link)

-         Lecture Notes

-         Homework


·        Check 126 A&B Final Info page for more practice problems (some with solutions) and study tips 


·        Check the Office Hours web page for Office hours across all 126 sections.  Additional office hours/review sessions for this week
will be announced in class 



To help you organize the material we have covered, here is a “course at a glance” with some sample problems attached to most topics.


1.     Taylor series (Final Win2006, N1, N2)

2.     Vectors, dot product, cross product, and triple product, 12.1-12.4 (Midterm 1, N5; 126A&B Midterm 1, N1; Final Spr2006, N3)

3.     Equations of lines and planes, 12.5 (Final Spr2006, N4)

4.     Quadric Surfaces, 12.6

5.     Parametric curves: Area, Arc Length, Surface area, 10.2 ( N32 and N57, p. 667)

6.     Parametric curves in polar coordinates, 10.3 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N1)

7.     Vector functions and parametric curves in space: arc length and curvature, tangent, normal and binormal vectors (T, N, B),
normal and osculating planes, 13.2-13.3 (
Final Spr2006, N6b;  Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N3; Sample Midterm II, vers. 1, N3; Midterm II, N5)

8.     Velocity and Acceleration, 13.4 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N2, N4)

9.     Functions of two variables: partial derivatives, tangent plane, linear approximation, 14.1, 14.3, 14.4 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 1, N5; Midterm II, N4)

10.  Max and Min, 14.7 (Extra practice problems, N1, N2; Quiz 7)

11.  Iterated (double) integrals: Riemann sums, Rectangular and Polar coordinates, ceversing the order of integration, computing areas, volumes, centers of mass, 15.1-15.5 (Extra practice problems, N3-6; Quiz 8)