Date, time and
location: Dec. 9, 1:30-4:20pm, Kane
Hall, Room 210 (Section C), 220 (Section D)
Know your Quiz Section number; your TA’s name and your
Professor’s name
Bring a Picture ID
Arrive early but do not enter the exam room until you
are invited to do so
You will be seated by your TA section and last
name. You will be asked to sign a
seating chart.
You may have one two-sided sheet of notes
See Midterm I info for the general policy on
calculators and academic honesty
Midterm I material:
Practice: Practice
Midterm I (Solutions),
I (Solutions), 126A&B Midterm I (Solutions)
Midterm II material: 12.5, 12.6,
10.1-10.3, 13.1-13.4, 14.1, 14.3,
14.4(tangent planes only)
Practice: Sample Midterm I,
(Solutions I,
Midterm II (Solutions). 126A&B Midterm II
After Midterm II material: 14.4, 14.7, 15.1-15.5
Practice: Sample
problems and Answers
Sample (old) finals: Spring
and Winter 2006 (recommended, to be discussed at the review
sessions). Answers
to Spring 2006 Final
More sample
exams (See Math126 Old Exams link).
Cautions on two old finals: Problem 3 on the Autumn 2005 should ask
for the parametric
equations (plural) of the line. On the Spring 2005
final, Problem 2 should be ignored (on a topic we skipped),
and in Problem 6, "Maclaurin series" means
Quizzes (all quizzes and
solutions are posted under Course
Materials link)
Lecture Notes
Check 126 A&B Final
Info page for more practice problems (some with solutions) and study
Check the Office
Hours web page for Office hours across all 126 sections. Additional office hours/review sessions for
this week
will be announced in class
To help you organize the material we have
covered, here is a “course at a glance” with some sample problems attached to
most topics.
2. Vectors, dot
product, cross product, and triple product, 12.1-12.4 (Midterm
1, N5; 126A&B
Midterm 1, N1; Final
Spr2006, N3)
3. Equations of lines
and planes, 12.5 (Final
Spr2006, N4)
4. Quadric Surfaces,
5. Parametric curves:
Area, Arc Length, Surface area, 10.2 ( N32 and N57, p. 667)
6. Parametric curves
in polar coordinates, 10.3 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N1)
7. Vector functions
and parametric curves in space: arc length and curvature, tangent, normal and binormal vectors (T, N, B),
normal and osculating planes, 13.2-13.3 (Final
Spr2006, N6b; Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N3; Sample Midterm II, vers. 1, N3; Midterm
II, N5)
8. Velocity and
Acceleration, 13.4 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 2, N2, N4)
9. Functions of two variables:
partial derivatives, tangent plane, linear approximation, 14.1, 14.3, 14.4 (Sample Midterm II, vers. 1, N5; Midterm
II, N4)
10. Max and Min, 14.7 (Extra
practice problems, N1, N2; Quiz
11. Iterated (double) integrals: Riemann sums,
Rectangular and Polar coordinates, ceversing the order of integration, computing
areas, volumes, centers of mass, 15.1-15.5 (Extra
practice problems, N3-6; Quiz 8)