The mathematics behind Escher's prints: a round trip journey from symmetry to groups and back
Summer Institute for Mathematics at the University of Washington 2007
July 9-20, 9:15-11:45
Julia Pevtsova
Algebra is nothing but written geometry;
L'algèbre n'est qu'une géométrie écrite;
Geometry is nothing but pictured algebra.
la géométrie n'est qu'une algèbre figurée.
Sophie Germain
Course Description
Some relevant links:
M.C. Escher Official website
Playing with wallpaper patterns:
Examples of moving tessellations
Japanese Wallpaper patterns
Alhambra Symmetric patterns
Lecture 1
Presentation assignments: life and work of M.C. Escher (drafts due Monday, July 16; presentations on Thursday, July 19)
Earlier years of M.C. Escher, 1898-1941 (possible topics to include: education, Italian period/influence, "Metamorphosis")
War and post-war period: back in Holland (possible topics to include: regular division of the plane, George Polya)
Recognition and sucess period, 1956-1972 (possible topics to include: "Cirlce Limits" (H.S.M. Coxeter); "Waterfall", "Up and Down", (Mobius strip); "Print Gallery" (
Droste effect
) )
Some lecture notes
Creating Wallpaper Patterns:
, more
animated tessellation examples
First problem set
: 4 Rigid motions of the plane.
Second problem set
: Dihedral groups D3 and D4.
Homework 1.
Lecture 2
Some lecture notes/handouts
First problem set
: Finish D3 and D4 problem set from Lecture 1.
Second problem set
: Dihedral groups by generators and relations. .
Third problem set
: Subgroups.
Lecture 3
Lecture outline/handouts
Homework 1
"Subgroups of D4"
problem set from Lecture 2.
First problem set
: Practice matrix multiplication.
Homework 2.
Lecture 4
Lecture outline/handouts
First problem set
: Matrices as transformations of the plane.
Additional problems
Lecture 5
Lecture outline/handouts
First problem set
: Center of gravity; discrete subgroups of M.
Tool for making patterns
Lecture 6
Lecture outline/handouts
First problem set
: Orbits of group actions.
Second problem set
: Determining point groups for the 17 wallpaper patterns.
Lecture 7
Students' presentations about Escher and his work
Lecture 8
Lecture outline/handouts
Finish classification of the point groups for the 17 wallpaper groups.
Problem set
: Classification of point groups of two-dimensional crystallographic groups.
Descriptions of the 17 wallpaper groups:
Prof. D. Joyce webpage
Penrose tilings (aperiodic divisions of the plane with 5-fold symmetry - time permitting)
Kite and Dart
Moving Star
And a
"Penrose tilings"
Reference: Martin Gardner, Extraordinary nonperiodic tiling that enriches the theory of tiles, Mathematical Games, Scientific American, January, 1977.
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