// roots.mgm, written by Jim Stark
// Copyright (C) 2015, Jim Stark
// This file contains magma code that computes maximal sets of commuting
// roots, lie subalgebras corresponding to those sets, and checks if
// such subalgebras can be conjugated to a Chevalley subalgebra.
// See ArXiv: 1503.01043 for more information.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
forward MaximalCommutingRoots; // (R)
forward IsIdealOfRoots; // (R, C)
forward RootCmp; // (R, a, b)
forward Xelt; // (R, L, r)
forward Helt; // (R, L, r)
forward GenGensOfLieC; // (R, C)
forward CommIdeal; // (gens)
forward MakeComm; // (~gens)
forward MakeSub; // (~gens, v, r)
forward AllTerms; // (R, x)
forward ReduceGens; // (R, ~gens)
forward RootExp; // (R, L, r, lambda)
forward SimpleRefl; // (R, L, r)
forward ConjToDiag; // (R, ~gens)
forward IsDiag; // (gens)
forward CheckConj; // (rootStr)
// Given a root datum or root system R this returns the maximal
// sets of commuting positive roots as a list of lists of root
// numbers.
function MaximalCommutingRoots(R)
n := NumberOfPositiveRoots(R);
G := EmptyGraph(n);
for i := 1 to n - 1 do
for j := i + 1 to n do
if Sum(R, i, j) eq 0 then
AddEdge(~G, i, j);
end if;
end for;
end for;
cliques := AllCliques(G);
max := 0;
for c in cliques do
if #c gt max then
max := #c;
result := [[Index(v) : v in c]];
elif #c eq max then
Append(~result, [Index(v) : v in c]);
end if;
end for;
return result;
end function;
// Given a root datum/system R and a list C of root numbers (of
// positive roots) this returns true if the given set is an ideal
// and false if the given set is not an ideal.
function IsIdealOfRoots(R, C)
for r in C do
for i := 1 to NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) do
if r eq i then
continue i;
end if;
s := Sum(R, r, i);
if s ne 0 and s notin C then
return false;
end if;
end for;
end for;
return true;
end function;
// Gives the comparison function for roots as defined in the
// paper. For types for which no comparison function was
// defined this refines reverse height by the order given
// when magma lists the roots.
function RootCmp(R, a, b)
if Type(a) ne RngIntElt then
a := RootPosition(R, a);
end if;
if Type(b) ne RngIntElt then
b := RootPosition(R, b);
end if;
if a eq b then
return 0;
end if;
case [IsPositive(R, a), IsPositive(R, b)]:
when [true, false]:
return 1;
when [false, true]:
return -1;
when [false, false]:
return $$(R, Negative(R, b), Negative(R, a));
end case;
type := CartanName(R)[1];
ar := Root(R, a);
br := Root(R, b);
n := Rank(R);
case type:
when "B":
ind := [n..1 by -1];
rev := true;
when "D":
ind := [n, n - 1] cat [1..n - 2];
rev := true;
if RootHeight(R, a) gt RootHeight(R, b) then
return -1;
elif RootHeight(R, a) lt RootHeight(R, b) then
return 1;
ind := [1..n];
rev := false;
end if;
end case;
for i in ind do
if ar[i] eq br[i] then
continue i;
end if;
return ((ar[i] gt br[i]) select 1 else -1)*(rev select -1 else 1);
end for;
end function;
// Given a root datum R and lie algebra L (assumed to be LieAlgebra(R, F)
// for some field F) this returns the chevalley basis element x_\alpha
// where \alpha is the r-th root.
function Xelt(R, L, r)
if IsPositive(R, r) then
return L.(NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) + Rank(R) + r);
return L.(2*NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) - r + 1);
end if;
end function;
// Given a root datum R and lie algebra L (assumed to be LieAlgebra(R, F)
// for some field F) this returns the element h_\alpha where \alpha is the
// r-th root.
function Helt(R, L, r)
return Xelt(R, L, r)*Xelt(R, L, Negative(R, r));
end function;
// Given a root datum R and a list of positive root numbers C this returns
// a list of elements in LieAlgebra(R, F). The list of elements are the
// generators of a generic subalgebra with leading terms from C and F is
// a function field with the minimal number of variables needed, save when
// no variables are needed F is still a function field of at least one
// variable.
function GenGensOfLieC(R, C)
Sort(~C, func);
P := Sort([1..NumberOfPositiveRoots(R)], func);
terms := [[c] cat [P[i] : i in [Index(P, c) + 1..#P] | P[i] notin C] : c in C];
vars := &+[#x - 1 : x in terms];
F := FunctionField(Rationals(), Max(1, vars));
L := LieAlgebra(R, F);
i := 1;
result := [];
for inds in terms do
Append(~result, Xelt(R, L, inds[1]));
for j in [2..#inds] do
result[#result] +:= F.i*Xelt(R, L, inds[j]);
i +:= 1;
end for;
end for;
return result;
end function;
// Given a list of generators of a lie subalgebra this returns the ideal
// generated by the coordinates in all possible brackets of these
// elements. In other words, the ideal which must vanish for the
// subalgebra to be commutative. A groebner basis is computed for this
// ideal if and only if gb is true.
function CommIdeal(gens : gb := true)
I := [];
for i := 1 to #gens - 1 do
for j := i + 1 to #gens do
I cat:= [Numerator(x) : x in Eltseq(gens[i]*gens[j])];
end for;
end for;
I := ideal;
if gb then
end if;
return I;
end function;
// Given a list of generators of a lie subalgebra whose field of definition
// is a function field this procedure attempts to make the minimal number of
// substitutions necessary to get a commutative subalgebra. The resulting
// elements are not guarenteed to generate a commutative subalgebra; one
// should check if the output of CommIdeal is zero.
procedure MakeComm(~gens)
L := Parent(gens[1]);
F := BaseRing(L);
gb := false;
I := CommIdeal(gens : gb := gb);
v := 0;
r := 0;
success := false;
for b in Basis(I) do
coefs, mons := CoefficientsAndMonomials(b);
for i := 1 to #mons do
if TotalDegree(mons[i]) ne 1 then
continue i;
end if;
v := [j : j in [1..Rank(F)] | Exponents(mons[i])[j] ne 0][1];
for j := 1 to #mons do
if j ne i and Exponents(mons[j])[v] ne 0 then
continue i;
end if;
end for;
r := mons[i] - coefs[i]^(-1)*b;
success := true;
break b;
end for;
end for;
if success then
MakeSub(~gens, v, r);
elif not gb then
gb := true;
success := true;
end if;
until gb and not success;
end procedure;
// Given a list gens of elements of a lie subalgebra whose field of definition
// is a function field, a variable number v, and a value r, this procedure
// substitutes r into the v-th variable in all the coordinates of the
// elements in gens.
procedure MakeSub(~gens, v, r)
L := Parent(gens[1]);
F := BaseRing(L);
n := Dimension(L);
for i := 1 to #gens do
for j := 1 to n do
for t in Terms(Numerator(gens[i][j])) cat Terms(Denominator(gens[i][j])) do
if v in Support(t) then
gens[i][j] := (F!Evaluate(Numerator(gens[i][j]), v, r))/(F!Evaluate(Denominator(gens[i][j]), v, r));
continue j;
end if;
end for;
end for;
end for;
end procedure;
// Given a root datum/system R and an element x of a lie algebra of type R
// this function returns a list of root numbers corresponding to the roots
// alpha such that x is supported at the chevalley basis element x_alpha.
function AllTerms(R, x)
n := NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) + Rank(R);
result := [i - n : i in [n + 1..2*n - Rank(R)] | x[i] ne 0];
Sort(~result, func);
return result;
end function;
// Given a root system/datum R and a list gens of elements of a lie algebra
// of type R this function reduces the generators using the ordering of
// roots supplied by RootCmp.
procedure ReduceGens(R, ~gens)
n := NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) + Rank(R);
terms := [AllTerms(R, g) : g in gens];
for i := 1 to #gens do
for j := 1 to #gens do
if i eq j or gens[j][n + terms[i][1]] eq 0 then
continue j;
end if;
gens[j] -:= (gens[j][n + terms[i][1]]/gens[i][n + terms[i][1]])*gens[i];
terms[j] := AllTerms(R, gens[j]);
end for;
end for;
leadingterms := [x[1] : x in terms];
p := 0;
Sort(~leadingterms, func, ~p);
gens := [(1/gens[i^p][n + leadingterms[i]])*gens[i^p] : i in [1..#gens]];
end procedure;
// Given a root datum R, a lie algebra L of type R, a root number r, and an
// element lambda of the base ring of L this function returns the lie algebra
// homomorphism exp(lambda*x_alpha): L -> L where alpha is the r-th root.
function RootExp(R, L, r, lambda)
negr := Negative(R, r);
Q := [,
for s := 1 to NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) do
if s eq r or s eq Negative(R, r) then
continue s;
end if;
Append(~Q, );
string := RightString(R, r, s);
for i := 1 to #string do
Q[#Q][2] +:= LieConstant_M(R, r, s, i)*lambda^i*Xelt(R, L, string[i]);
end for;
negs := Negative(R, s);
Append(~Q, );
string := RightString(R, r, negs);
for i := 1 to #string do
Q[#Q][2] +:= LieConstant_M(R, r, negs, i)*lambda^i*Xelt(R, L, string[i]);
end for;
end for;
for s := 1 to Rank(R) do
if s eq r or s eq Negative(R, r) then
Append(~Q, );
Append(~Q, );
end if;
end for;
return hom L | Q>;
end function;
// Given a root system/datum R, a lie algebra L of type R, and a root number r,
// this function returns the lie algebra homomorphism L -> L given by the adjoint
// action of a representative of the reflection s_alpha where alpha is the r-th
// root.
function SimpleRefl(R, L, r)
w := ReflectionPermutation(R, r);
Q := [ : i in [1..2*NumberOfPositiveRoots(R)]];
Q cat:= [ : i in [1..Rank(R)]];
return hom L | Q>;
end function;
// Given a root datum R and a list gens of generators of a lie subalgebra this
// procedure tries to conjugate the lie subalgebra to Lie(LT()). If status
// is true then the elements we conjugate by are printed to the screen. The
// resulting gens are not guarenteed to generate Lie(LT()) and should be
// checked using IsDiag.
procedure ConjToDiag(R, ~gens : status := false)
n := NumberOfPositiveRoots(R) + Rank(R);
L := Parent(gens[1]);
currentMax := Negative(R, 1);
for i := 1 to #gens do
terms := AllTerms(R, gens[i]);
for j := 2 to #terms do
max := Sum(R, terms[j], Negative(R, terms[1]));
if max eq 0 then
continue j;
end if;
if RootCmp(R, max, currentMax) eq 1 then
currentMax := max;
indi := i;
indst := terms[j];
indlt := terms[1];
end if;
continue i;
end for;
end for;
if IsNegative(R, currentMax) then
end if;
f := RootExp(R, L, currentMax, -gens[indi][n+indst]/LieConstant_M(R, currentMax, indlt, 1));
if status then
print "Conjugating by ( " cat Sprint(currentMax) cat " , " cat Sprint(-gens[indi][n+indst]/LieConstant_M(R, currentMax, indlt, 1)) cat " )";
end if;
gens := [f(x) : x in gens];
ReduceGens(R, ~gens);
until false;
end procedure;
// Given a list of lie algebra elements this function returns true if each
// element is supported in a single basis element. When gens come from a
// lie algebra of type R for some root datum R this corresponds to the lie
// subalgebra they generate being in the form Lie(C) for some set of roots
// C.
function IsDiag(gens)
for g in gens do
if #Support(g) ne 1 then
return false;
end if;
end for;
return true;
end function;
// Given a string that defines a root system (or given a root syste/datum)
// this function tries to conjugate every maximal abelian lie subalgebra into
// the form Lie(C) for some set of roots C. If Csupplied is a string it is
// taken to be a file name from which the maximal sets of commuting roots are
// read (needed in type E8 and if it is neither a string nor a boolean it is
// assume to be exactly the list of maximal sets of commuting roots. If
// status is true then the elements we conjugate by are printed to the screen.
// The return value is the list of maximal sets of commuting roots which the
// function failed to conjugate to the form Lie(C).
function CheckConj(rootStr : Csupplied := false, status := false)
if Type(rootStr) eq RootDtm then
R := rootStr;
R := RootDatum(rootStr);
end if;
fails := [];
if Type(Csupplied) eq BoolElt then
print "Computing maximal commuting roots...";
Cs := MaximalCommutingRoots(R);
elif Type(Csupplied) eq MonStgElt then
print "Loading maximal commuting roots from file...";
Cs := eval Read(Csupplied);
print "Using the supplied list of maximal commuting roots.";
Cs := Csupplied;
end if;
i := 1;
for C in Cs do
print "Creating " cat Sprint(i) cat " of " cat Sprint(#Cs) cat "...";
i +:= 1;
gens := GenGensOfLieC(R, C);
if not IsZero(CommIdeal(gens)) then
print "Commutativity substitutions FAILED for " cat Sprint(C) cat "!!";
Append(~fails, C);
continue C;
end if;
print "Checking conjugacy...";
ConjToDiag(R, ~gens : status := status);
if IsDiag(gens) then
print "Good.";
print "Conjugation to diagonal FAILED for " cat Sprint(C) cat "!!";
Append(~fails, C);
end if;
end for;
return fails;
end function;